

2020-07-04 02:04趙桂華
青年與社會 2020年37期


摘 要:思維導圖是表達發散性思維的有效圖形思維工具。對于當下我國學生的英語寫作而言,其難點并不是如何寫作,而是如何通過對寫作思路的整理組織,構建一個合理清晰的寫作框架。本文通過將思維導圖有效地運用到英語作文寫作中,能夠很好地提高學生的英語寫作興趣。






1. 選定英語導圖各區域所需的詞塊和語塊。

2. 將各區域的詞塊和語塊按段落寫成連貫的語篇。

3. 對照思維導圖自我批改,注意人稱、時態語態、句型結構的正確使用。


1. 對相同意思,注意不同句式的表達法,選擇更好的句式。

2. 短文寫作,表達力求精悍、生動、豐富,避免重復用一樣的句式。

3. 特別注意使用承上啟下的詞語和句子。


1. 審題、理清思路:考慮寫什么(挑選關鍵詞,搭建作文框架)。

2. 選擇詞語:根據話題和作文框架選用所需要的語料(詞塊和語塊)。

3. 遣詞造句:根據思維導圖中的語料,用合適的句型寫作。

4. 語篇定稿:根據思維導圖修改潤色作文——緊扣主題,表達準確,關聯自然,語篇流暢。



參考詞匯:英語演講比賽 English Speech Contest


1. 詞數:80~100個

2. 短文開頭已給出,不計入總詞數

3. 要點齊全,行文連貫,可適當發揮

Last Tuesday Fangfang and Mingming entered the English Speech Contest in our school. What they did make me think deeply.

Before the contest, Fangfang thought_____________________


Last Tuesday Fangfang and Mingming entered the English Speech Contest in our school. What they did make me think deeply.

Before the contest, Fangfang thought her English was the best. So she spent lots of time picking some beautiful clothes for herself instead of trying to work hard at English for the contest. As a result, she didnt do well in the contest because she hadnt got ready for the contest.

But Mingming was different from Fangfang. He worked hard at English and asked others for help. Especially, his leg was hurt two days before the contest, but he never gave up. In the end, he won the contest.

No doubt, from Mingming we should learn : No pains, No gains. From now on, I mush learn from Mingming.


Last Tuesday Fangfang and Mingming entered the English Speech Contest in our school. What they did make me think deeply.

Before the contest, Fangfang thought she was good at English, and that she didnt need to spend more time on the contest at all. She always considered picking some beautiful clothes for the contest. But Mingming was different. He worked hard at English and asked others for help. Though he had hurt his leg two days before the contest, he never gave up.

In the end, Fangfang didnt get ready well enough. At the contest, she was so nervous that she she failed. But Mingming won because of his efforts.

In my opinion, we should learn from Mingming: Work hard and make progress every day.


Last Tuesday Fangfang and Mingming entered the English Speech Contest in our school. What they did make me think deeply.

Before the contest, Fangfang thought that she was good at English. So it was necessary to spend lots of time preparing for the contest. What she only thought was what clothes should wear, which make herself more beautiful at the contest. At last, she was too nervous to finish the contest because she didnt get ready very well.

Instead, Mingming had been working at English and asking others for help. Whats more, he had hurt his leg two days before the contest. But he had never given up. As the result, he won the contest.

I think we should learn from Mingming: Work hard and never give up.


生活是豐富多彩的,沒有愛好的人生是不完整的人生。親愛的同學,在生活中,你有什么興趣愛好嗎?這個興趣愛好是怎樣培養起來的?它給你的生活增添了哪些色彩?請你以“My Hobby”為題,結合自己的親身經歷寫一篇短文。(詞數80個左右)


1. 語句通順,合乎邏輯,書寫規范。

2. 文中不得出現真實的姓名和學校名稱。


Reading is my hobby. When I was seven years old, one day, I read a comic book about how a girl beat a wolf. I was moved deeply by the girl. From then on I became interested in reading books.

Reading can not only kill the time, but also, more importantly, help improve my skills. And books can teach me how to be a good person. Books can also solve many problems for me.

In a word, reading books can make my life colorful. I will read more good books to improve myself in the future.


My hobby is collecting stamps. On my seventh birthday, I got my first stamp album from my uncle. After that, I started collecting stamps. Now, I have collected hundreds of different stamp.

Usually, I take a map of the world. When I collect a stamp from a different country, I find the place on the map and put the stamp there. As the result, I can learn about the world as well as getting the joy.

In a word, collecting stamps ahs made me get much knowledge and enjoy a lot.


My favourite hobby is watching movies in the cinema. Three years ago, while I was watching the adventure 3D film Avatar in the cinema, I was attracted by the beautiful sights. It was so creative that it made me enjoy a lot. From then on, I became a movie fan.

Now, when I am tired, I go to the cinema. When I am happy, I go to the cinema, too. On the one hand, movies can make me relaxed. On the other hand, I can learn lots of knowledge from movies.

目前,你校??陂_展以“My Favorite Sport”為話題的征文活動,請你積極思考,談談自己的看法。


1. Whats your favorite sport?

2. Why?


1. 中心突出,語義連貫,層次清晰,書寫規范;

2. 詞數80個左右。


看到作文題目后首先審題,主題是“My Favorite Sport”(我最喜歡的運動),可以分三段,第一段點明主題,第二段闡述原因,第三段結語,當然闡述原因時也可以分兩段。



01 ?My Favorite Sport

Jogging is one of the most wonderful sports in the world. A lot of people enjoy it including me. Here are two reasons.

First of all, jogging can help keep friendship. I enjoy jogging with my friends every morning on the way to school and we talk a lot during it. When I face difficulties, I will tell them and they always give me a hand. When I make great progress in my study, I will share my happiness with them. Jogging develops our friendship greatly. Whats more, jogging is cheaper than many other sports. It doesnt cost much.

As you can see, jogging brings me friendship. Jogging has become part of my life. I am sure that the more I go jogging, the healthier I will feel. I like jogging best.

02 ?My Favorite Sport

Swimming is my favorite sport. Here are the reasons.

Firstly, swimming plays an important role of being healthy. It can make my shoulders very strong and help me lose weight. I can even live longer if I keep swimming in my whole life.

Secondly, while swimming, I forget sadness and lead a happy life. Every time I meet problems or feel terrible, I choose to swim and throw all my sadness away. It really works.

Thirdly, swimming can make me relaxed after a long time of study.

Now its easy to see why I like swimming so much. It really does good to me.




