

2020-07-06 16:40李婷
廣東教學報·教育綜合 2020年77期





語義場(Semantic field)的理論可以追溯到19世紀德國語言學家特里爾,他指出:語言詞匯中的詞在語義上是互相聯系的,共同構成了一個完整的詞匯系統,詞只有在“語義場”中才有“意義”。具體來說,可以理解為:第一,有些詞可以在一個共同概念的支配下組成一個語義場,比如,上下義關系的詞;第二,屬于同一個語義場的詞,在語義上相關也相互制約和規定。比如,balance與bank, account, interest等構成語義場,要確定balance的意思就需要根源根據它與這個語義場的其他詞的關系入手,最終確定balance的意思是“余額”。本文中指代的“語義場“理論指的是通過詞匯的使用構建表達積極態度的正面語義場和表達否定、消極態度的負面語義場。在高考完形填空中,文章多以夾敘夾議類為主,多通過詞匯的運用體現了作者情感態度的體現和變化。比如,抑——揚或揚——抑——揚的語義場模式,其中“抑”指的是負面的語義場,作者會使用如“awful, hate, depressed, annoying”等詞匯;“揚”指的是負面的語義場,作者會使用如“positive, happy, rewarding, useful”等的詞匯。




Use examples to explain what semantic field is. Offer two situations with different choices, and Ss are required to choose the one that fit in with the situation ( to attend a fancy ball; to decorate a bright and clear reading-room ).? In this way, help students to realize that in order to express a certain feeling or atmosphere, certain types of items could be chosen.


Adopt one paragraph from the text book Book 6 Unit 1 Art to demonstrate the meaning of “semantic field”, and ask Ss to analyze people's attitude towards the Impressionists and find out the clues.

(選段1) At first, many people disliked this style of painting and became very angry about it. They said that the painters were careless and their paintings were ridiculous.

(negative semantic field: dislike, very angry, careless, ridiculous)

(選段2) For a long time Gabriel didn't want to be involved in music at all. In his first years of high school, Gabriel would look pityingly at music students, struggling across the campus with their heavy instrument cases…

(negative semantic field: didn't want to be involved in music at all, pityingly at, struggling? across)

(選段3)With a sinking feeling, he realized that he actually enjoyed playing the piano. He tried to hide his obvious pleasure from the music teacher, who had wandered over to listen.

(positive semantic field: a sinking feeling, enjoyed playing the piano, his obvious pleasure)

In this way, help students to realize that in order to express a certain feeling or atmosphere, certain types of expressions could be chosen.


讀首段,發現文章的主題是 the way children learn. 語篇類型是調查研究類, 并且提出下文兩個鮮明的語義場的轉化“obvious, differ from”到 “unexpected, commonalities” 的轉變。

For much of the 20th century, most psychologists? 43? ?the traditional theory that a newborns mind is a/an? 44? sheet of paper upon which the record of experience is gradually impressed. During that time, scientists believed that oral? 45? was necessary for abstract thought. In its? 46? , scientists assumed that a baby could not have? 47? of abstract concepts. As babies are born with a/an? 48? range of behaviors and spend most of their early months sleeping, they certainly appear passive and? 49? . Therefore, it was commonly thought that babies? 50? the ability to form complex ideas. Until recently, there was no obvious way for babies to prove anything to the ___51___? to the researcher.

In time, however, challenges to this 52? arose. It became clear that with? 53

designed scientific procedures, psychologists could find ways to? 54? ?rather complex question about how much infants and young children know and what? 55? they have. Psychologists began to employ new methods to? 56? a large amount of data about the remarkable abilities that young children? 57? .? Their research findings stood in great contrast to the earlier? 58? ?in the field that focused almost? 59? on what children lacked. The? 60? of young children came to life through this research. It became clear that very young children are both competent and active when it comes to their mental development.

找到語義場標志詞:第二段中的passive, 表示消極的、負向的語義場;第三段中的 remarkable, competent and active, 表示正向的、積極的語義場。然后引導學生圍繞核心的正向或負向語義場,尋找更多的作者用詞和表達的體現,并整理成思維導圖的形式。


4.借助語義場變化明顯的典型文章(課前完成并對好答案),引導學生小組合作,發現并總結語義場與文章作者的用詞,描述兩者之間的關系。引導學生通過比較、識別各種信息之間的關系,找到內在的關聯和差異,并總結出共同特征, 提升思維品質。



…When we handed him the bag of food, he lit up and thanked us with watery eyes. When I handed him the gift card (禮物卡), saying he could use it for whatever his family might need, he burst into tears…

A. sleepy? B. watery? C. curious? D. sharp

高考完形中的選段,學生嘗試將其設成完形填空的形式。對比高考的原題,讓學生體會設題的成就感, 也學會從出題者的角度思考問題。在高考完形填空的完整語篇中,嘗試將第一段設置成語法填空,鞏固課堂所學。文章是自的完整語篇,有鮮明的語義場的變化。引導學識用總結歸納的結論解決問題,用新的視角認識問題,解決問題,提升學生的思維品質。







[3]周靜.重視語篇體裁分析 突破英語教學瓶頸[J].華中農業大學學報(社會科學版),2007(1):67.

