

2020-07-17 06:21
新世紀智能(英語備考) 2020年4期

Reading is important.But the next step is making sure that you remember what yo’ve read! __1__ You may have just read the text.But the ideas, concepts and images(形象)may fyl right out of your head.Here area few tricks forremembering what you read.


● __2__

If the plot, characters, or word usage is confusing for you, you likely won’t be able to remember what you read.It’s a bit like reading a foreign language.If you don’t understand what you're reading, how would you remember it? But there are a few things you can do...Use a dictionary; look up the difficult words.

● Are you connected?

語 塊a few tricks for表示 “做……的訣竅”,trick在這里相當于tip。

Does a character remind you of a friend? Does the setting make you want to visit the place? Does the book inspire you, and make you want to read more? With some books, you may feel a connection right away.__3__ How willing are you to make the connections happen?

熟詞生義connect表示“對(某人的經歷)感同身受,可以理解(某人的感受)”。如:She can’t connect with the younger generation.她沒法理解年輕一代人。

● Read it; hear it; be it!

Read the lines.Then, speak them out loud.And, put some character into the words.When he was writing his novels, Charles Dickens would act out the parts of the characters.He’d make faces in the mirror, and change his voice for each character.__4__

● How often do you read?

語 塊have an easier time with doing sth.表示“做起某事來更輕松”,寫作中可以用來替換it would be easier for sb.to do sth.哦。

If you read frequently,you’ll likely have an easier time with rememberingwhat you’re reading and what you’ve read.__5__As you make reading a regular part of your life, you'll make more connections, stay more focused and understand the text better.You’ll learn to enjoy literature—as you remember what you read! (2017 浙江卷)

A.Are you confused?

B.Practice makes perfect.

C.What’s your motivation?

D.Memory is sometimes a tricky thing.

E.Marking helps you remember what you read.

F.But other books require a bit more work on your part.

G.You can do the same thing when you are reading the text!

If you’ve been to the grocery store lately, you know just how expensive it can be to buy groceries.There are some ways to save money on groceries that allow you to eat well without having to cut back signifciantly.The following ways will help you cut $100 out of your monthly grocery bill without too much effort.


__1__ Convenience lets you save time for other things you need to get done.Grocery stores and food manufacturers know this and play on that emotion.Pre-made items may save your time, but they costa pretty penny.It’s common to find a simple fruit plate at many grocery stores for as much as $10 or $15 when the given produce only costs several dollars.Instead ofopting forthat plate of cut pineapple, buy the whole fruit or vegetable fora fraction ofthe cost.

語 塊a pretty penny表示“昂貴的”。

語 塊opt for意為“選擇”,寫作中可以用來替換choose哦。

語 塊a fraction of 意為“一小部分”,相當于a part of。

Know what to buy in bulk (大批).Shopping at warehouse stores can be a great way to save money, but not every itemis worth buyingin bulk.This is especially the case if you end up throwing food away because you couldn't eat it before its expiration date.__2__

語 塊be worth doing表示“值得做”,注意doing是主動形式表示被動的含義。

Skip the meat.The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average cost of beef is $ 4.13 per pound this March.__3__ If you skip the beef twice a week, you can instantly cut $30 to $40, if not more, off your grocery bill each month.

Know what to buy in season.Fruits and vegetables are a great addition to your daily diet, but they can add a significant amount to your grocery bill, especially when you buy itemsout of season.__4__ If your favorite items are getting ready to go out of season, consider buying a little extra and freezing them.

__5__ However, there are ways to stretch your dollar further without hurting your habits.(文章出處:https://news.yahoo.com)

語 塊out of season意為“不當令的、反季節的,過時的”。

A.Store pre-made items.

B.Skip the prepared items.

C.Shopping for groceries can be an expensive attempt.

D.Beef has seen a significant increase in price over the past few years.

E.The cost canadd upquickly if you’re eating beef three or four times per week.

F.Asproduceitems go out of season, they become more expensive as the supply decreases.

G.Non-perishable(不易腐爛的) items make sense to buy in large quantities as they typically have a longer shelf life.

語 塊add up表示“積少成多;合計”。


Imagine a child standing on a diving board four feet high and asking himself the question: "Should I jump?" This is what motivation or the lack of it can do.Motivation and goalsetting are the two sides of the same coin.__1__ Like the child on the diving board, you will stay undecided.


__2__ More than that, how should youstay motivatedto achieve the goal? First, you need to evaluate yourself, your values, your strengths, your weaknesses, your achievements, your desires, etc.Only then should you set your goals.

語 塊stay motivated表示“保持動力”。

You also need to judge the quality and depth of your motivation.This is quite important, because it is directly related to your commitment.There are times whenyour heart is not in your work.__3__ So, slow down and think what you really want to do at that moment.Clarity(清晰)of thoughts can help you move forward.

語 塊there are times when...表示“有時候……”,這個句式在寫作中可以替換sometimes。

Another way of setting realistic goals is to analyze your short- and long-term objectives,keeping in mindyour beliefs, values and strengths.Remember that goals are flexible.__4__ They also need to be measurable.You must keep these points in mind while setting your goals.

語 塊keep in mind表示“記住”,相當于remember。

Your personal circumstances are equally important.For example, you may want to be a pilot but can’t become one because your eyesight is not good enough.__5__ You should reassess your goals, and motivate yourself toset a fresh goal.

語 塊set a goal表示“樹立目標”,注意到這里的形容詞用了fresh,表示“新的”不一定每次都要用new哦。

You will surely need to overcome some difficulties, some planned, but most unplanned.You cannot overcome them without ample motivation.Make sure thatyou plan for these difficulties at the time of setting your goals.(2019全國卷II)

語 塊make sure that...表示“確?!?,相當于see that。

A.This can affect your work.

B.So how should you motivate yourself?

C.However, this should not discourage you.

D.So why should we try to set specific goals?

E.They can change according to circumstances.

F.Motivation is what you need most to do a good job.

G.Without motivation, you can neither set a goal nor reach it.

If you are like millions of people around the world, the New Year brings with it new goals.Perhaps you want to save money, lose weight or learn a new skill.

But then you get busy.

Your daily life takes up all of your time.Before you know it, weeks, then months have gone by, and youare no closer toyour goal.


語 塊be close to在這里意為“很快就要(做到某事)”,后面也可以接動名詞,相當于be about to doing sth,。 如:We’re about to achieving our goal.我們就要達到目標了。

Yet, your goal remains important.__1__

? ldentify specifci goals.

As you identify your goals, be specifci.If a goal is too general, it may be hard to pursue, let alone achieve it.__2__ That’s a fnie idea.Yet psychologists might say as a goal, it is too general.To make the goal more specific, you couldsign up fora regular exercise class.

? __3__

語 塊sign up for “報名參加”。

Experts say writing down your goals is important.It gets the goals out of your brain and into the real world.Some psychologists suggest that writing a goal on paper is better than typing it on a device or saying it into your phone.Your brain receives information differently when it comes from handwriting.Writing has another benefit: You can post your goals somewhere as a reminder.

? Break down big goals into small ones.

__4__ Some can be quite big.And for those bigger goals, experts suggestbreaking them downinto smaller ones.Say you want to work for yourself.You decide to start your own company that supplies food for special events.That is a very big goal.But it is made up of many smaller goals.So, identify them, write them down and set for yourself time limits.

語 塊break down“出故障,壞掉;分解;打破”;break in “插嘴,打岔;突然闖入”;break into “破門而入”;break off “暫停;突然停止講話”;break out“爆 發(戰爭,火災,疾病)”;break up “分手;學校放假;解散,驅散”。

?Tell a friend.

Telling someone your goals is also helpful.If someone else knows about your goals, youare held responsible forany progress or lack of progress.You feel the pressure of your friend’s opinion of you.That can be a big pressure! __5__

語 塊be held responsible for“對……承擔責任”,相當于be responsible for,也可用主動形式,表示“要……承擔責任”。如: If the project fails, I’ll hold you responsible.這個項目失敗的話,我唯你是問。

A.Write your goals down.

B.Not all goals are created equal.

C.Keep your life goals as a reminder.

D.Say your goal is to get in better physical shape.

E.You are bound to achieve your goals if you are determined.

F.So how can we find time to work on these larger life goals?

G.Many people do not want to let others down, especially friends and family.

Who can forget their first day of school? Students come into the classroom wondering who their teacher will be for the year.__1__ Introducing yourself to those students is a big part of that frist day.


Pay attention to your appearance.

Dress professionally and make sure you follow any published dress codesapplying tostudents and staff.While you want the students to enjoy their time in your class, you want them to respect you.__2__ On the first day, putting your best appearance forward canset the tone for the year.

語 塊apply to在這里表示“適用于”,也有“用于,將……涂在…..表面”的意思。

語 塊set the tone for the year表示“定下一年的基調”。

Tell personal interests and hobbies.

__3__ It helps them identify with you as more than just a teacher.Students may be surprised you have interests after school.Explaining some of your hobbies and interests can give students the chance tointeract withyou on the first day.Offering these small personal details can make you seem more approachable and will open up to a connection with your students.

語 塊interact with表示“和……互動”。

Explain classroom rules.

Getting started on the first day by also explaining your class rules and what your class can expect of you is a good way to set guidelines.For example, you could say “I’measy-going, but I do have some rules that everyone must obey.” __4_ _

語 塊easy-going意為“好相處的,好說話的”。相對應地,“不好說話的,很難相處的”就可以用difficult一 詞,如:He’s a difficult person.他是一個很難相處的人。

__5__ If you have time after your basic introduction, ask your new students if they'd like to know anything more about you.After you have answered their questions, ask the class what they havelearned aboutyou.For example, ask "What do I like to do in my free time?" By doing that, you’re reiterating your introduction, which makes it easier for the students to remember you.(2020屆烏魯木齊第一中學一模卷)

語 塊learn about意為“了解”,learn的相關短語還有learn from,意為“向……學習”;learn of意為“聽說”。

A.Give name details step by step.

B.Invite questions and responses.

C.Tell your class a little more about yourself.

D.Teachers are faced with new students sitting in desks.

E.Continue to remain polite and positive when speaking to students.

F.Dressing in inappropriate clothing can be destructive in the classroom.

G.Keep those rules easy-to-remember if you introduce yourself and the rules together.

闡釋現象 揭示事理——說明文寫作六步曲