

2021-04-07 19:48于筱睿
中學課程輔導·教學研究 2021年35期

◎ 于筱睿


自2014 年,上海英語高考中的基于單句考查語法知識的單項選擇題被取消,由以語篇形式呈現的“語法填空”取代。這一變化與《普通高中英語課程標準》(2017)的要求相契合:英語教學應圍繞語篇進行。






此次學生命題的原始語料取自微信公眾號“中國日報雙語新聞”于2020 年8 月23 日“夜聽雙語”板塊推送的一篇文章,標題為《外賣平臺叫你別浪費食物:推出“半份菜”服務》。該語篇英文原文共373 個單詞,FK 可讀性指數為13.3,難度略高于高中教材文本。話題有關“珍惜糧食,按需點餐”,既是近期新聞事實熱點,也與學生日常生活息息相關。

為輔助學生做好命題前的準備,筆者首先布置學生獨立閱讀學習該語篇,掃清文本中的生詞障礙,有意識地圈劃并積累其中出現的高中階段的高頻詞匯、短語,并摘抄2-3 句長難句,進行句子結構分析。



為了讓不同英語水平的學生都能參與命題,筆者事先規定了各個小組的規模和成員結構。班級48 位同學被分成了六組,先讓學生自薦或他薦出六位小組長。組員由組長選出,要求小組內包含英語成績有參差的組員。讓英語水平較高的同學在小組中發揮帶頭作用,也能使后進的同學在小組合作中發現自己的知識盲區,及時查漏補缺。




Last week Meituan co-published a proposal with a number of business organizations,calling on restaurants to stop food waste and help cultivate new eating habits for customers.

“Restaurants should innovate means of publicity using official accounts (1)_______social media and live-streaming to promote and advocate food-saving actions,”the proposal said.

Meituan and the organizations are advocating that merchants offer guidance for consumers,(2)_______(include) reminding them during the ordering process about the taste of the ingredients,portion sizes and other information about the dishes,to help them avoid food waste(3)_______misleading information.The Wuhan Catering Association (4)________(propose) an“N-1”ordering code for restaurants (5)a group of 10 diners would only order enough for nine people.More food is only brought to the table if required.

To curb portrayals of food waste on social media platforms,popular Chinese video platforms (6)_______________Douyin and Kuaishou have stepped up content reviews of food-related live streams and implemented regulation of online eating shows.

Now (7)________users search certain keywords,such as“eating show”or“competitive eaters”,a cautionary message pops up to remind them to cherish food and maintain a reasonable diet.

Across the country,about 40% of all the food Americans buy ends up in the trash.The state of Vermont has long been a leader in environmental issues.Now it has just doubled down on its bid to get Vermonters (8)________(rethink) their relationship with food and waste.

As of July 1st,it became the first state in the nation to make it illegal for residents to throw their food scraps into the trash.That means everyone in the state ——from businesses (9)_______residents-(10)________now keep their food waste out of the garbage.

(命題學生提供參考答案:1.on 2.including 3.due to 4.proposed 5.in which 6.such as 7.if8.to rethink 9.to 10.must)


Last week Meituan co-published a proposal with a number of business organizations,calling on restaurants to stop food waste and help cultivate new eating habits for customers.It claimed that (1)________must be done to deal with the problem of endless wasting.Meituan,together with some other organizations,(2)_______(advocate) that merchants offer guidance for consumers,including reminding them during the ordering process about the taste of the ingredients,portion sizes and other information about the dishes to help them avoid food waste (3)_______misleading information.

On Friday the China Cuisine Association announced that it (4)_______(team) up with Ele.me,the Alibaba Group Holding-owned food delivery platform to launch a“half-dish plan”,appealing to restaurants to offer smaller portions of dishes (5)________different customers.

The Wuhan Catering Association proposed an“N-1”ordering code for restaurants (6)_______a group of 10 diners would only order enough for nine people.More food is only brought to the table if(7)_______(require).

The problem also exists (8)_______the living standard is high.In America,about 40% of the citizens seldom cook the leftovers for (9)_______second time.The state of Vermont has long been a leader in environmental issues.Now it has just doubled down on its bid to get Vermonters to rethink their relationship with food and waste.

As of July 1st,it became the first state (10)_______made it illegal for residents to throw their food scraps into the trash.That means everyone in the state ——from businesses to residents-must now keep their food out of the garbage.

(命題學生提供參考答案:1.something 2.has advocated/is advocating 3.because of/due to 4.teamed/had teamed 5.to 6.where 7.required 8.where 9.a 10.that)



例1 的組長很自豪地介紹這是8 位組員合作的成果。在他的組織下,每位成員至少貢獻了一個空,最后由他將組員的題目整合:刪去重復的考點、調整空格間的間隔。

例2 的組長說他們命題過程不太常規。在他布置任務前,一位成員主動獨立地完成了整套命題。此刻,他意識到自己的“失職”讓組員們失去了一次參與自主命題的機會,希望能重新命題。



生1:例1 基本保留了原文結構的完整性,但空1、3、6、9 均考查了介詞或介詞短語,整篇語法填空考查范圍有限。另外,空3 應提供其他備選答案。

生2:例1 雖在保留了文章邏輯完整性,但忽視了對一些超綱單詞的改寫,比如curb the portrayal,catering 等。建議對這些生詞進行替換或改寫整句。

生3:例2 的第二空,將原文的Meituan and the organizations are advocating that 改寫成了Meituan,together with some other organizations,(2)________(advocate) that。通過更改句子的主語,考查很多同學容易忽略的主謂一致的考點,屬實精妙。此空的參考答案也不局限于原文的進行時態is advocating,還補充了現在完成時has advocated,非常合理。

生4:例2 對原文進行了刪減和改寫,刪除了與考點不相關的描寫文字,也為達到考查范圍的全面,對原文做了適當的改編。如第十空,原文是it became the first state in the nation to make it illegal for residents to throw their food scraps into the trash,用動詞不定式to make it illegal 來修飾名詞短語the first state。命題人很巧妙地將不定式做定語改成定語從句作定語:it became the first state (10)_______made it illegal for residents to throw their food scraps into the trash,順利地將定語從句納入考查范圍,并且該空中的先行詞由序數詞first 修飾,正是許多同學容易忽視的知識點。

教師在學生點評前,雖有千言萬語,也不要急于表達,將寶貴的機會留給學生。在學生點評后,教師可以補充點評,并通過舉例,帶領全班對部分題目進行完善。例如,針對例1 中“重復考查介詞”的問題,可以刪除原第9 題,在同一段的句首對形式賓語it進行挖空,這樣既不破壞各題間的間隔,也彌補了未考查“代詞”的空缺。


評題后,筆者鼓勵各個命題小組當天對原題進行修改。以下列節選例1 的修改版:

保留了原先的第2、3、5、6、7、8、10 空,新增了以下3 空。

“(1)_______restaurants should do is to innovate means of publicity using official accounts on social media and live-streaming to promote and advocate food-saving actions,”the proposal said.

On Friday the China Cuisine Association announced that it (4)_______(team) up with Ele.me,to launch a“half-dish plan”.

As of July 1st,it became the first state in the nation to make (9)________illegal for residents to throw their food scraps into the trash.(命題學生提供參考答案:1.what 4.had teamed9.it10.must)

從學生修改后的版本不難看出,針對課堂上同學和老師提出的問題做了相應修改。此外,他們自己還注意到名詞性從句考查的缺失,通過改寫原文創造性地命制了第1 題,讓人眼前一亮。


在學生自主命題過程中,教師應充當怎樣的角色? 本次命題活動的目標是否達成? 在命題活動結束后,筆者就以上問題進行了總結和反思。





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