
The Importance of Breakfast

2021-08-14 21:24曉飛
考試與評價·七年級版 2021年5期


People need to eat three meals① in a day. Breakfast is important for us. The good time of having breakfast is between 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning. Remember, dont eat breakfast after 11 am, because its bad for your health.

We must have breakfast every morning so that we can have a healthy body and a good feeling. Some students dont have breakfast. They are hungry in the school and they cant listen to the teacher carefully② in class. They cant remember what their teacher say clearly. Some of them just eat much food when they have time. Feifei often eats fast food. Now shes heavy. And her heart is not healthy. The doctor asks her to stop eating fast food.

A good breakfast is easy. You can eat eggs, milk, porridge, noodles and some fruit. If you eat different kinds of food, you dont feel hungry quickly. After eating breakfast, we can walk quickly. Remember, good eating habits mean eating breakfast.

I. Choose the best answer.

1. Youd better have breakfast at ____ in the morning

A. 6:30????? ????????? B. 6:50?? ????????????? C. 7:10??? ?????? D. 10:00

2. Li Dong often eats fast food, its bad for his ____.

A. head?? ??????? B. heart??? ????? C. eyes?? ????????????? D. legs

3. Tina doesnt eat breakfast, she feels ____ in class.

A. bored???? ???????? B. hungry???? ??????? C. nervous.???? ????? D. nothing

4. What can people eat for breakfast?

A. Much meat and eggs.???? ??????????????? B. A little food is enough.

C. Only some noodles.?????? ??????????????? D. different food and fruit.

II. What would you like to eat for a meal? Choose from the form below.
