

2021-10-27 11:56王建國,朱淵,羅文博
世界建筑 2021年10期





1 整體鳥瞰/Overall aerial view

2 青龍廣場/Qinglong square

Donglong Village is located in the modern agriculture demonstration park of Chunhua Subdistrict in Jiangning, Nanjing, facing the Qinglong Mountain on the north side. The village has convenient transportation and good agricultural conditions, and has many tea, vegetable and fruit gardens, as well as cultural resources such as historical relics and legends. Distributed in northsouth direction along the Dongda Road, the village presents the characteristics of "surrounded by fields and forests, accompanied with water ponds and mountains". In 2018, Donglong village was selected as one of the characteristic demonstration rural villages in Jiangsu to launch the renovation agenda.

Based on a full study of natural and cultural conditions, this project firstly plans an overall spatial structure and industrial functions of Donglong village considering the current needs of urban-rural coordinated development and the integration of e-commerce industries. On this basis,two important sites located next to an old oil mill at the entrance of the village and a biogas station in the middle of this village, are selected for further architectural renovation and renewal design.

At the village entrance, the oil mill and e-commerce plot include the Qinglong square, old oil mill, public bathhouse, health station, and a series of buildings along the street. By means of a small-volume decentralised layout and microintervention renewal, the entrance of the village is transformed into a "rural complex" integrating industry guide and stock resources without destroying the texture features of Donglong village.Aiming to continue the memory of the place, the original Qinglong sculpture and old production workshops are carefully preserved and have become a pleasant public space called "Old Oil Mill Museum"by structural replacement and space optimisation.Folding roofs are used to continue the texture feature of the village, creating a series of public activities and viewing spaces between the new and old buildings through corridors, terraces, and open halls under eaves, which meets the compound use of tourists of different ages and local villagers in different seasons and different times.

The original biogas station plot, located in the middle of the village, contains a deserted industrial building and biogas tank. Considering the contradictory relationship between the relics of the site and new functions, a comprehensive"Agricultural Experience Exhibition Hall" is designed to integrate the Bletilla fields on the west side,forming a joint development of planting, cooking experience, fruit picking, agricultural products exhibition and online e-commerce services.Specifically, the original factory building is raised to two storeys using steel structures, and the originally closed biogas tank is preserved and opened to form a courtyard to continue the collective memory of the site. At the same time, the topography is partially elevated to form a terrace to meet the composite space requirements of different activities. Local materials such as stone, bricks, bamboo and wood are used together with modern materials such as light steel and aluminium to construct local and contemporary space characteristics.□

項目信息/Credits and Data

設計團隊/Design Team: 王建國,朱淵,羅文博等/WANG Jianguo, ZHU Yuan, LUO Wenbo, et al.

建筑面積/Floor Area: 3000 m2

設計時間/Design Period: 2017-2018

竣工時間/Completion Time: 2020

攝影/Photos: 許昊皓/XU Haohao

3 老油坊博物館/Old Oil Mill Museum






4 老油坊博物館首層平面/Ground floor plan of Old Oil Mill Museum

5 老油坊博物館內院/Courtyard of Old Oil Mill Museum

6 老油坊博物館多功能活動室內景/Interior view ofmultifunctional activity room in Old Oil Mill Museum


LI Zhu: Inseparable Relationship Between Rural Revitalisation and the Concern of Space Design and Technology

As a typical suburban village, Donglong Village has lost a lot of its young population to the city, at the same time, agricultural tourism is attracting more and more urban tourists. So this village needs a platform to reactivate its development. Under such a background, Academician WANG focused on the construction of rural public space,dividing the building into parts and enclosing a small square. This group of public spaces includes not only the Old Oil Mill Museum that displays the history of this village, but also a visitor centre and tea house to entertain guests from outside, which combine into a "rural complex"to strengthen the villagers' sense of identity. These buildings maintain the same scale as the original buildings of this village and form an organic whole together with the big trees which are carefully preserved through corridors,terraces, and open halls under eaves, forming a new village entrance that can reconnect the villagers.

Another thing worth mentioning is the construction techniques used in the project. The "locality" of architecture should not be limited to the repetition of cultural symbols,the level of local construction technology and the difficulty of obtaining materials are also local factors in the current rural revitalisation. As we can see, Academician WANG selected steel structure as the main structural system in his works, using small structural components to create a large indoor space, which later became the Agricultural Experience Exhibition Hall . At the same time, bricks and wood which are common in this village are used in the enclosed structure.As a modern inheritance of traditional rural construction,it explores a comprehensive design-construction strategy that can effectively support the functional needs of modern life without obliterating the cultural characteristics of the village, reflecting the designer's profound contemporary thinking on rural construction.

Architect's rural design practice should not simply satisfy the tourists' curiosity for sightseeing, but focus on preserving the rural customs, strengthening the communication between the village and the outside world,and improving the quality of life of local villagers, so that villages can retain its nostalgia and keep its people.

7 老油坊博物館屋頂走廊/Roof corridor of Old Oil Mill Museum

8 檐下敞廊/Corridor under the eaves

9 老油坊博物館展廊/Gallery of Old Oil Mill Museum

10 農產體驗館入口/Entrance of Agricultural Product Experience Exhibition Hall

11 農產體驗館首層平面/Ground folor plan of Agricultural Product Experience Exhibition Hall

12 餐廳二層內景/Interior view of first floor of the restaurant

13 大灶體驗區/Cooking experience area

14 農產體驗館鳥瞰/Aerial view of Agricultural Product Experience Exhibition Hall

15 農產體驗館連廊/Corridor of Agricultural Product Experience Exhibition Hall

16 餐廳和室外燒烤區/Restaurant and barbecue area

17 農產體驗館邊院/Side yard of Agricultural Product Experience Exhibition Hall

18 沼氣站改造/Biogas Station reconstruction

闖市場有妙招 小油坊變大門店