

2021-11-04 05:29楊艷
重慶與世界 2021年10期









On October 12, the Signing Ceremony of the Agreement on Establishing Sister City Relations between Chongqing and N'Djamena, Chad was held online in Yuzhou Hotel. Tang Liangzhi, deputy secretary and mayor of CPC Chongqing Committee, Ali Moustapha, mayor of N'Djamena, Li Jinjin, Chinese ambassador to Chad, and Maitine Djoumbe, Chadian ambassador to China, attended the event and delivered speeches. Brahim Abdou Mahammad Choua, deputy mayor of N'Djamena, heads of relevant functional departments of both parties, representatives of enterprises and media attended the event. Cai Yunge, vice mayor of Chongqing Municipal People's Government, presided over the ceremony.

In his speech, Tang Liangzhi, on behalf of the CPC Chongqing Committee and Chongqing Municipal People's Government as well as secretary Chen Miner, expressed his gratitude to all friends who have worked hard for the establishment of sister city relations between Chongqing and N'Djamena. Tang Liangzhi said that when President Xi Jinping sent a letter to President of Senegal to congratulate the 20th anniversary of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, he stressed the need to push forward the comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation between China and Africa to achieve greater development and to build closer Sino-African community of shared future, which provided the direction and basis for us to deepen cooperation. In recent years, under the guidance of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and the Mechanism on China-Africa Local Government Cooperation Forum, the friendly exchanges between Chongqing and Chad have been constantly deepened. In particular, the two sides join hands to fight the COVID-19 epidemic and support each other, which reflects the profound friendship of helping each other overcome difficulties. At present, we are closely focusing on the main task of fully implementing President Xi Jinping's ardent expectations towards Chongqing, seizing the key opportunities for the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle, accelerating the construction of an inland opening-up high ground and a land of natural beauty, promoting high-quality development and creating high-quality life, and striving to play a supporting role in pushing forward western development in a new era, as well as playing a leading role in driving the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" and an exemplary role in the green development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. In the first half of this year, the regional GDP of Chongqing totalled 1.29 trillion yuan, achieved an increase of 12.8%. The city's economy made steady progress with the high-quality development momentum continuously growing and the "14th Five-Year Plan" started soundly. The twinning of sister cities between Chongqing and N'Djamena is a concrete action to implement the consensus of the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and a pragmatic measure to deepen friendly relations between China and Chad. Facing the future, Chongqing is willing to further expand economic and trade cooperation with N'Djamena in the fields of automotive and motorcycle, electronics, medical instrument, petroleum, minerals and agricultural products, expand investment and trade in infrastructure construction, agricultural machinery and food processing, and strengthen cooperation in education, health, culture, sports and training. N'Djamena is located at the confluence of Shari River and? Logone River, which are two main rivers in Chad. Chongqing is where Yangtze River and Jialing River join each other. Both two cities are marked by river confluence and equally hospitable peoples. We welcome Chadian friends to visit Chongqing and feel the unique charm of this "A Land of Natural Beauty·A City with Cultural Appeal".

Ali Moustapha, mayor of N'Djamena, thanked to friends from all parties who helped N'Djamena establish sister city relations with Chongqing. He said that the signing of the agreement on establishing sister city relations between the two cities is the result of long-term candid cooperation between Chad and China and a key dimension of local exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, thus providing an major opportunity for N'Djamena to develop and restore economic development after the epidemic. We will further deepen exchanges with Chongqing, promote bilateral cooperation to achieve more fruitful results, and create an all-round sister city relation with rich connotation.

Li Jinjin, Chinese Ambassador to Chad, said that the current cooperation between China and Chad in various fields under the framework of the “Belt and Road” is constantly deepening, and the development of bilateral relations is facing new opportunities for higher quality and speed. It is expected that the two cities will continue to tap into the potential of cooperation, enrich the connotation of cooperation and inject new vitality into China-Chad friendship.

Maitine Djoumbe, Chadian ambassador to China said that the formal signing of the Agreement on Establishing Sister City Relations between Chongqing and N'Djamena marks the further expansion, enrichment and consolidation of the win-win partnership between Chad and China; twinning up with Chongqing is conducive to the rapid economic recovery of N'Djamena after the epidemic and can strengthen its own construction capacity.

At the event site, Mayor Tang Liangzhi and mayor Ali Moustapha jointly signed the Agreement on Establishing Sister City Relations between Chongqing of the People's Republic of China and N'Djamena of the Republic of Chad. On the basis of equality and mutual benefit, the two sides will jointly promote in-depth exchanges and cooperation between the two cities in many fields such as economy, trade and people-to-people exchanges.

Located in Central Africa and the southern verge of the Sahara desert, the Republic of Chad covers an area of 1,284,000 square kilometers as one of the "four cotton countries" in Africa under the framework of WTO and the main livestock producing country in Central Africa. N'Djamena is the capital and the largest city of the Republic of Chad, with a population of about 1.13 million. With a long built history, N'Djamena is the largest industrial center and transportation hub, cultural and educational center and emerging tourism center in Chad.
