

2021-11-04 19:59楊艷
重慶與世界 2021年10期




科技賦能 鎮館之寶立體亮相




此外,原故宮博物院院長單霽翔受邀成為大足文旅的“總顧問”,他于9月末帶領團隊到大足拍攝綜藝節目“萬里走單騎 遺產里的中國(第二季)”。

建設世界知名研究院 講好大足故事





大足石刻 聯動世界走向世界





Known as the last monument in the history of grotto art, the discovery of Dazu Rock Carvings has extended the prosperity history of Chinese grotto art for over 400 years. As a world cultural heritage, Dazu Rock Carvings boosts tremendous value in terms of history, art, and science.

From September 17 to November 17, “Remarkable and Graceful: Special Exhibition of Dazu Rock Carvings” opens at Gallery N4 of the National Museum of China. This exhibition is the first exhibition regarding the world cultural heritage of grotto temples held by the National Museum in recent years.

Technology enablement helps the stereoscopic debut of the "treasure of the museum"

This exhibition is not only an all-round display of Dazu Rock Carvings art and history, but also a presentation of Dazu Rock Carvings cultural heritage preservation and inheritance achievements over the years. This exhibition incorporates four units, that is, "Journey of Discovery", "Dazu of Shu Path", "Engraving the Rock with Fine Images" and "Inherit and Refresh", with 82 pieces (sets) of collections, including 66 pieces (sets) of stone cultural relics from the Song Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, all of which are refined works of Dazu Rock Carvings. Among them, the "treasure of the museum" of the Dazu Rock Carving Museum, such as the statue of Sakyamuni Buddha, the statue of Guanyin (Goddess of Mercy), and the incense burner, etc. are showcased one by one.

It is reported that this exhibition is jointly held by the National Museum of China, Chongqing Municipal Development Committee of Culture and Tourism and Dazu District Peoples Government of Chongqing Municipality. Covering an area of 1,000 square meters, the model of "pictures + real objects + optical, electrical, and acoustic methods + science and technology + intelligence + data economy" will be adopted to show Dazu Rock Carvings in an all-around, multi-angle, multi-level, and three-dimensional way. In fact, the Dazu Rock Carvings partnered with the National Museum again 20 years later. As early as 2001, Dazu Rock Carvings held a large-scale photography exhibition in the Chinese History Museum (now the National Museum).

At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, the theme release event of Dazu Rock Carvings was held. During the exhibition, the MV of Dazu Rock Carvings sang by Li Yugang, the special wide-screen 4K film Dazu Rock Carvings, and an 8K full-dome movie were premiered at the National Museum of China. The wide-screen 4K film Dazu Rock Carvings focuses on the creation and historical evolution of Dazu Rock Carvings through film narration. As the first real scene + CG animation shooting in the world, the 8K full-dome screen film focuses on displaying the artistic value of stone carvings to the audience, so that they can understand Dazu Rock Carvings from multiple dimensions.

In addition, Shan Jixiang, former director of the Palace Museum, will help promote the culture and tourism in Dazu District. He will serve as the chief adviser of the culture and tourism in Dazu District and led a team to shoot the Shape of Culture (Season 2) in the district by the end of September.

Build a world-renown Research Institute and tell Dazu stories well

Dazu Rock Carvings, one of the eight grottoes globally, was built in the early Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Two Song Dynasties. So far, there are as many as 75 grottoes and over 50,000 statues under cultural relic protection. The carvings represent the highest level of grotto art in the world in the 9th-13th centuries.

According to Li Fangyin, head of the Dazu Rock Carvings Research Institute, Dazu District has focused on the "four hundred projects" in recent years, organized exhibitions in museums, held lectures in schools, enriched books in libraries, and made micro-videos over the recent years, in a bid to promote Dazu Rock Carvings culture and let Dazu Rock Carvings "go global". The exhibition will help make the stone carvings on the rock live, animate the national treasures and brighten China amid its heritage. Next, Dazu Rock Carvings will follow the ideas of "stone carvings as the soul, deep-planted legacy, linkage of five mountains, integration between the city and views, co-existence of mountains and rivers and the most beautiful countryside", so as to link the five mountains where Dazu Rock Carvings are located, realize the high integration of cities and attractions, and finally reflect the artistic conception of mountains and rivers and the most beautiful countryside. In addition, Dazu District will build Dazu Rock Carvings Cultural Park in the whole area and make every effort to build a world-renown Research Institute to tell the stories of Dazu well.

In terms of culture and tourism integration, Dazu Rock Carvings Tourist Center under construction integrates Dazu Rock Carvings cultural elements with the internal decoration and setting, and reflects the mechanical, acoustic, perspective, optical, aesthetic and other values through grotto art.

At the same time, the integration of agriculture and tourism is driven by "one core, two belts, three areas, multiple points and holistic area". Among them, "one core" refers to the linkage of five mountains as one core, "two belts" refer to the urban development belt and cultural development belt, "three zones" refer to Dazu Rock Carvings Cultural and Creative Industrial Park, Longshui Lake Expo Park and the Agriculture and Tourism Integration Demonstration Belt of Shengtian Lake, and "multiple points" refer to the chain of various rural attractions. It is reported that Dazu is also building the "Ten-mile Lotus Ponds · Mountain Bay Times" project to build the nine nearby mountain bays into a cluster for rural revitalization, cultural development and public leisure. Here, local citizens can experience how to make stone carvings as well as feel the beauty and culture of water lily, lotus, and Begonia.

Dazu Rock Carvings links the world as one

At the 2021 China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Forum on the Digital Economy Industry, Dazu Rock Carvings has signed a strategic cooperation agreement on "digital Silk Road cultural tracing campaign" with the Trade and Economic Multifunctional Platform for the SCO Countries and People Trip. In collaboration with the culture and tourism authorities of India, Iran, Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and other countries, taking the Dazu Rock Carvings, or "the last monument in the art history of the world's grottoes", as the starting point, tracing back to the provenance, going back in time, viewing cultural relics with big data, intelligence and informatization, and connecting the world's heritage "pearls", Dazu called upon parties to sign the digital Silk Road cultural tracing campaign at the National Museum exhibition.

Li Fangyin, head of the Dazu Rock Carvings Research Institute, introduced that under the background of the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle, Dazu Rock Carvings and Jinsha Site Museum jointly held the "Golden Touch" exhibition last year. Subsequently, the two parties also unfolded many cooperation projects. “The first is to establish a world heritage alliance to jointly explore the preservation, research and utilization of world heritage. Particularly in Anyue, Sichuan, in the proximity of Dazu, some projects have entered the substantive stage, including some digital projects are being carried out together. "

There are over 3,000 grottoes in Sichuan and Chongqing. According to the requirements of the National Cultural Heritage Administration, Dazu Rock Carvings Research Institute should be built as a regional center for the preservation, research, and utilization of grottoes in Southwest China. Relying on the preservation strength and technical advantages of Dazu Rock Carvings Research Institute, the grotto preservation in the whole Chongqing area should be integrated and further strengthened in management. Next, Dazu will collaborate with Sichuan University, the Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute and other relevant scientific research institutions.

Photos/Provided by Publicity Department of CPC Dazu District Committee
