

2023-09-27 02:25鄭通張立杰
絲綢 2023年9期

鄭通 張立杰



中圖分類號:TS941.1; F407.86??? 文獻標志碼:A???文章編號: 10017003(2023)090001

引用頁碼:091101? ? DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2023.09.001(篇序)




1 熵權—TOPSIS評價法和數據來源

1.1 熵權—TOPSIS評價法


1) 正向化數據。本文所采集的指標數據中,組織管理層級需要進行正向化處理,其他指標為正向數據,不需要進行正向化處理。

2) 構建決策矩陣。有n個樣本企業,m個可量化評價指標,用極差變換法對指標數據進行無量綱化處理,矩陣中每一個元素x*ij為:

4) 計算概率矩陣P。概率矩陣中每個元素pij計算公式為:


8) 基于歐氏距離,計算各指標與最優解和最劣解向量之間的距離。正理想解為X+0=(x+0(1),x+0(2),…,x+0(n)),負理想解為X-0=(x-0(1),x-0(2),…,x-0(n))。

1.2 數據來源


2 實證分析

2.1 指標體系



2.1.1 技術變革能力


2.1.2 組織變革能力


2.1.3 業務變革能力



2.2 指標權重分析





2.3 轉型指數分析



2.4 數字化轉型管理啟示


1) 數字化投入有限。數字技術和設備投入花費資金較大,新的數字技術更新迭代迅速,加上企業受到近幾年疫情、國際貿易摩擦等影響,企業面臨轉型失敗的風險,對數字化建設投入有限。隨著數字化技術日漸成熟,企業應增加投入資金來引進和研發數字技術和設備,必要時向政府數字化相關部門尋求幫助,政府的財政科技支持可以顯著提高服裝企業數字化轉型效率[28]。

2) 組織結構轉型能力弱。中國服裝企業已經開始注重數字化人才建設,但是員工高學歷人才比重較低,24家上市企業均沒有超過10%;與高校產學研合作強度不夠;對數字化背景高管的重視有待加強,24家上市企業中只有紅豆實業一家設有信息化部門。數字化背景高管在企業數字化資源分配、數字化戰略制定等方面起到關鍵作用。人才是企業數字化轉型的基石,企業應完善引進和培養數字化人才的相關制度,增設數字化相關部門和數字化高管職位,制定數字化轉型路徑,最大程度利用企業資源,為數字化轉型提速。

3) 業務流程變革困難。中國服裝企業已經開始在設計、生產、營銷等環節使用新的數字系統,新系統與傳統信息系統之間集成困難,數據傳輸不便,不能很好解決“信息孤島”問題,數據及新舊系統接口之間缺乏統一標準。企業應重視數據治理,制定數據傳輸標準;運用人工智能、大數據等相關技術,充分挖掘線上線下數據,完善數據收集、清洗、分析等流程,充分發揮數據的價值。完善數據中臺的建設,利用數據中臺連接業務流程各個環節,解決數據傳輸過程中新舊系統難以集成的問題,打破“信息孤島”,實現信息在消費者和企業之間快速、無障礙傳遞。

3 結 語




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Evaluation on the digital transformation of listed enterprises in China’s clothing industry


(College of Textiles and Clothing, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China)


With the rapid development of related technologies such as the Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence, the digital economy has gradually become an important factor to drive economic development. After several years’ continuous growth, the scale of China’s digital economy reached about 39. 2 trillion yuan by 2020, accounting for 38.6% of GDP. The rapid development of the digital economy promotes the digital transformation of China’s traditional manufacturing enterprises. As one of the traditional manufacturing industries in China, the clothing industry should follow the trend of digitalization and utilize digital technology to comprehensively reform the organizational structure and business processes of enterprises, so as to eliminate issues such as personnel redundancy and low production efficiency, improve operational efficiency and market competitiveness, and better meet the growing personalized needs of consumers. Therefore, the digital transformation of garment enterprises has become a hot topic at present. It is found through literature related to the digitalization of garment enterprises that relevant studies on digitalization of garment enterprises mainly focus on the application aspect of digital technology, lacking analysis of influencing factors and evaluation of transformation degree from the perspective of enterprise.

To promote the digital transformation of China’s garment enterprises, listed enterprises in China’s clothing industry were selected as the sample enterprises, the main influencing factors of transformation were analyzed at the enterprise level, the degree of digital transformation was measured, and digital transformation evaluation was carried out. The research time interval is from 2018 to 2021. By analyzing the annual reports of listed enterprises in the China’s clothing industry, the enterprises mainly engaged in clothing and accessory product business were selected, and the enterprises with inconsistent data and no digital related information disclosure were excluded. Finally, 24 sample enterprises were obtained. To cover as many aspects as possible of the digital transformation of sample enterprises, the relevant literature on digital transformation evaluation and the annual reports of listed clothing companies were sorted out, and the results show that the main changes of garment enterprises of digital transformation are reflected in three dimensions: digital technology, organizational environment and business processes. By comparing relevant evaluation methods, it was found that the entropy-TOPSIS evaluation method has the advantages of objective results and strong logic in dealing with multilevel and multi-index digital transformation indicator systems, which meets the research needs. Therefore, this paper constructed an evaluation indicator system for the digital transformation of listed enterprises in China’s clothing industry, which contains 19 specific indicators in three dimensions: technological transformation capability, organizational transformation capability and business transformation capability. Based on the panel data of 24 listed enterprises in the clothing industry in China from 2018 to 2021, the entropy weight method was employed to assign weights to quantitative indicators, with the weight value representing the influence degree of indicators in the digital transformation process; the weight value was substituted into the TOPSIS evaluation method to calculate and evaluate the digital transformation indicator of each sample enterprise. The weight analysis results show that: among the three primary indicators, the weight of business transformation capability is 0365, indicating the greatest impact on the digital transformation of listed enterprises in China’s clothing industry. Among the 10 secondary indicators, the top three weights are digital infrastructure construction, organizational structure transformation, and digital personnel training, with values of 0.251, 0.154, and 0.133, respectively. These three secondary indicators contain many tertiary indicators, and enterprises should balance the development of each specific influencing factor. Among the tertiary indicators, digital design system has the highest weight of 0.111, which indicates that design is an important part of garment enterprises’ digital transformation in the context of consumers’ pursuit for personalization. The digital transformation index shows that more than 50% of sample enterprises have improved their digital degree; the average digital indexes of full samples from 2018 to 2021 are 0.288, 0.292, 0.333 and 0.336, respectively, showing an upward trend, and indicating that China’s listed garment enterprises have made some progress in digital transformation overall, but the degree of digitalization is low. The sample enterprises could do better in the future. Finally, based on the enterprise level, we summarized three main reasons for the low degree of digital transformation: (i) limited digital investment; (ii) weak ability to transform organizational structure; (iii) difficulties in business process transformation. In view of the three main reasons for the low degree of digital transformation, three suggestions were proposed: (i) increasing investment in digital technology and equipment; (ii) creating a digital environment, cultivating, and introducing relevant people; (iii) emphasizing standardized data transmission and promoting business process transformation.

The evaluation indicator system for digital transformation of garment enterprises constructed in this paper is objective, scientific and hierarchical, which can provide reference for the digital transformation of China’s garment enterprises. In the future, the indicator system could be modified and improved on the basis of the indicator system built in this paper; the small and medium-sized garment enterprises could be included in the research scope, and then the number of sample enterprises could be expanded. In this way, the influencing factors and transformation effects of digital transformation in China’s garment enterprises could be analyzed more comprehensively. We could also compare domestic and foreign garment enterprises, to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of China’s garment enterprises in the process of digital transformation, so as to accelerate the digital transformation.

Key words: digital transformation; garment enterprises; entropy-TOPSIS; influence factor; weight; transformation index
