
Explore the journey of Chinese cuisine

2024-03-20 01:41山東孫啟祿
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2024年2期

山東 孫啟祿


篇幅:380 詞

關鍵詞:Chinese food

1 When I was about to go to China,I was so fascinated that I completely forgot about the food I would be eating during my stay. It wasn't until my Chinese friend brought out chopsticks and told me to practise using them that I realized how difficult it was.My friend laughed,but I had so many questions in my mind.Why don't the Chinese have proper cutlery (餐具)? I had never seen Chinese people using spoons in movies,only chopsticks.I mentally prepared myself for the chopstick journey ahead.

2Upon arriving at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport,my cousin and her friends were already waiting for me.After freshening up at the hotel,we went to a restaurant.Inside,I saw big round tables with several chairs around them.It looked like a place for special occasions or family gatherings.My cousin called the waiter to take our orders.One by one,the dishes arrived.

3The table was quickly filled with more than 10 dishes.It was my first time experiencing such a meal.Based on my previous experience with Chinese food,I thought I should only pick what I could finish.However,the person sitting next to me convinced me to try each dish.Without hesitation,I tasted them one by one.It completely changed my perception of Chinese food.Every dish appealed to my taste,and I couldn't help but eat quickly.

4There is a Chinese proverb,“Eat more vegetables,and less meat.” This wisdom became evident as I explored Chinese cuisine.Chinese dishes are delicately cooked with a variety of leafy vegetables and spices (香料),making them incredibly diverse.Chinese people enjoy eating in groups as a way to relieve stress from their daily routine.This experience opened my heart to more culinary adventures in China.As I traveled from one city to another,I was amazed by the food diversity,from street food to local and upscale restaurants,and even foreign establishments with a hint of Chinese influence.

5In general,Chinese food is creative.Every ingredient seems to be used carefully to create a harmonious and delicious taste.One cannot deny that food is a major source of happiness and a necessity for survival.China won my heart by satisfying my stomach.

Reading Check

1.How did the author feel when asked to use chopsticks?



2.What was the atmosphere like in the restaurant?

A.It seemed to cater to individuals rather than groups.

B.It was crowded,making it difficult to enjoy the meal.

C.It had a warm atmosphere,ideal for friends or family to get together.

D.It had a formal and serious environment,suitable for business meetings.

3.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The change of the author's perception of Chinese food.

B.The author's previous experience with Chinese food.

C.The enthusiastic hospitality of Chinese people at table.

D.The variety of dishes which were served in the Chinese restaurant.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The author prefers Chinese food to Western food.

B.Chinese cuisine heavily relies on vegetables and spices.

C.The author was satisfied with his experience of Chinese food.

D.Chinese food offers a delicious taste and is suitable for Westerners.






1.When I was about to go to China,I was so fascinated that I completely forgot about the food I would be eating during my stay.當我準備去中國的時候,我太著迷了,以至于我完全忘記了在逗留期間要吃的食物。

【點石成金】本句是一個主從復合句。I was so fascinated 是主句,so...that 引導的是結果狀語從句,I would be eating during my stay 是省略了that/which 的限制性定語從句,When引導的是時間狀語從句。

2.It wasn't until my Chinese friend brought out chopsticks and told me to practise using them that I realized how difficult it was.直到我的中國朋友拿出筷子,讓我練習使用筷子,我才意識到這是多么困難。

【點石成金】本句是“It is/was...that...”強調句結構,強調的是until引導的時間狀語從句,how difficult it was是賓語從句。




Seen from the top of Mount Tai,the sunrise was ____________________________________.


____________________________________ that he realized the love we had for our families was important.







Dear David,


Li Hua

鍥而不舍 點石成金
Wheelchair basketball stars