

2024-04-28 08:28符振華
現代世界警察 2024年3期




她叫龔家慧,現任南寧鐵路公安局南寧公安處特警支隊政委。自成為一名特警以來,她憑借過硬的警務技能,完成了各項急難險重的任務,曾馳援廣州、新疆,抗冰雪戰沙塵,先后在全國警務技能比武和世界警察射擊比賽中囊括眾多獎項,被譽為“南疆槍神”“ 特警霸王花”。從警以來,曾先后榮立個人一等功1次、二等功2次、三等功5次。





















A Special Woman Police Officer

By Fu Zhenhua

She may have been one of the first female special police in Nanning Railway Police Bureau, but her skills are not inferior to any man's. Her training in crawling, wrestling, moving, jumping, and tactical skills meant she could defeat an enemy with just one strike.

Rolling practice of drawing, loading, aiming, and firing under the burning sun reduced her fingers to be covered in scabs and scars. The training made her and her weapon become one, thereby making her a wonder woman.

This is Gong Jiahui, political commissar of special police division in the Nanning Railway Police Bureau. She has accomplished many urgent, difficult, and risky tasks with her strong police skills. She has brave ice and snow, sand and dust, in places as far apart as Guangzhou and Xinjiang. She has received awards in the National Police Skills Competition and the World Police Shooting Competition, and was honored as "Gun Goddess in South China" and "Invincible Woman in Special Police." She has achieved one first prize, two second prizes, and five third prizes since becoming a police officer.

In 2021, Gong Jiahui was honored as a Second Level National Police Hero Model.

The Making of a Sharpshooter

"The making of sharpshooter involves relentless and repetitive practice. You won't be a markswoman unless you score in numerous bullseyes," said Gong Jiahui.

Gong Jiahui was born to a fisherman's family and had many siblings. The harsh living conditions made her diligent and resilient, and she was constantly motivated for a better life. She loved watching gangster movies, and in 2006 after graduating from Railway Police College (later renamed Zhengzhou Police College), she became a police officer at Chongzuo Local Police Station in the Nanning? Police Department. In 2007, Gong Jiahui joined the Special Police Division. At that time, she started from scratch, undergoing rigorous exercise routines required for a markswoman. Gong Jiahui practiced everything from the most basic gestures and motions to build up strength, agility, endurance and flexibility.

To improve her shooting skills, Gong Jiahui often attended dry practice. She gradually improved her consistency and stability through? hours of holding the weapon, aiming, adjusting her breathing, and pulling the trigger. To improve patience and concentration, Gong Jiahui drilled grains of rice with needles , often injuring her fingers dozens of times in a single day . She improved her temperament and became quieter and calmer. By attending hard training day in? day out, Gong Jiahui fired more than 40,000 bullets accumulatively.

"Gong Jiahui seems quite ordinary most of the time, but as soon as she picks up the gun, she exudes a magnetic presence and charisma as if she was saying : Only I can make it happen, " said one of Gong Jiahui's colleagues.

In August 2018, Gong Jiahui ranked second in the Women's Individual Event of the 24th Pistol Practicing Shooting Competition at National Security System Level. In 2019, Gong and her colleagues won the bronze medal in the Group Pistol Shooting PPC Event in the 18th World Police and Fire Games. In September 2019, Gong? attended the 3rd World Police Games hosted in Milan on behalf of China's police, and ranked 4th in the individual event and 1st in the group event. She brought great honor to China's police.

Commitment to Tough Tasks

"Gong Jiahui is tough, and immune to formidable situations, "commented Special Police Officer Wu Shuting. Gong Jiahui and her colleagues' daily duty is to patrol at Nanjing Railway Station and East Nanning Railway Station. Routine as it may seem, she is always ready to rise to any emergency.

In 2008, South China suffered a serious ice problem and Gong Jiahui was ordered to aid Guangzhou Railway Station urgently. Now that the station square was crowded with thousands of people, Gong Jiahui and her colleagues linked their arms together and stood together for 32 hours, forming a wall of iron. They lost their voices after yelling so much, but they prevented a stampede. Then, in 2009, Gong Jiahui helped in Kashgar, Xinjiang. She conquered awful natural environments and stayed on duty for 24 hours straight, securing the peace of Xinjiang.

Gong Jiahui's sense of mission and responsibility has been revealed by her acts of protecting passengers' life and property. Once, when Gong Jiahui was waiting for her train on her way home from work at East Nanning Station, she found a 4-year-old boy falling in the small crack between the train and the platform. It was just 3 minutes before the train was due to depart, but Gong Jiahui took a big stride forward and pulled the boy out of danger. Her fleeting act lingers long in the boy's memory

During the spring festival travel rush this year, Nanning Railway Police introduced a new mode of protecting passengers. The Special Police would regularly board trains to protect passengers. A squad of 12 special police in Nanning Railway Police, where Gong Jiahui works, boarded 26 express trains and ordinary trains in their jurisdictions during key periods to carry out regular patrol works such as armed patrol, safety publicity, training skill of emergency treating, and aiding security control with other railway police.

To this end, special police and railway police attended more patrols together, and the increased patrolling frequency secured the travelling environment by deterring and controlling insecure factors. At the same time, special police and railway staff carried out security checks to prevent security risks, and patrolled trains to ensure safe journeys for all.

Her Excellence in Police Skills Training

"Gong Jiahui is a keen and intense learner. Every time new equipment arrived, she always takes the lead to study its use, mastering it very quickly, and then demonstrating to us," Special Police Officer Fu Yunlin said. Because of her strong police skills, Gong Jiahui was invited as the Advanced Skills Coach by Guangxi Public Security Department, and as Excellent Police Skills Practicing Coach and Railway Police Authorities Police Skills Practicing Coach by the Public Security Ministry Railway Police Department.

Recently, Nanning Railway Police carried out an operational training within its jurisdiction. As a member of the coaching team, Gong Jiahui went to local police stations for guidance. Sometimes she was met with skepticism: "A woman? Does she make a good coach?" some would say. To overcome the skepticism, Gong Jiahui said nothing but demonstrated that she could disassemble and reassemble a weapon while wearing a blindfold. This quickly got a round of applause from the trainees. Meanwhile, the Nanning Railway Police opened a WeChat public platform in her name (the Jia Hui Mini Class), where they released videos to teach personal defense and other skills.

From November 1st to December 25th, 2020, Gong Jiahui was selected by the Public Security Ministry Railway Police Department to go to Railway Police College for further learning and teaching. She was also invited as a practicing coach, and attended the teaching of Weapon Use. Gong Jiahui attended lectures given by professors and participated in related learning and teaching. She also revised the syllabus on Weapon Use for all majors, and contributed actively to teaching in the Railway Police College.

The invincible woman police officer not only powders the face but faces the powder as well. She is even more beautiful after experiencing myriad hours of trainging. Gong Jiahui spends her ordinary days improving her skills and bravely steps forward in crises. Her story is one that highlight the immense dedication of women to China's police forces.

Writers' Introduction:

Fu zhenhua, Publicity and Education Division Nanning Railway Police.

(Translated by Zhang Chengxian )

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