

2008-09-08 04:09
中學英語之友·高一版 2008年8期


One day a factory owner entered a foreign supermarket, when a lady gave a warm smile and welcomed him. He was very touched, felt __1__, and was not able to forget the warmth in her smile. He was __2__ her as he was shopping; she was giving the __3__ smile to all the customers who __4__ into the supermarket.

The factory owner started __5__ if she was ever fed up with doing the same __6__ again and again, so he walked up to __7__ and asked,“My dear lady, are you __8__ of doing this job, and how long have you been doing this?”

The lady __9__ and said, “No, sir, I have worked here for the last 10 years and I __10__ my job.” The factory owner was __11__ and asked, “Why have you stay here for ten years, and why do you like your __12__?” The lady smiled again and said, “Sir, because I am __13__ my country.” The factory owner found this __14__. He said, “You are serving your __15__ by smiling?”

The lady said, “Yes, sir. As most of our customers are __16__, they spend foreign currency here. So our country has a lot of money and becomes __17__. People like you who are happy with our services visit __18__ often and spend money in our country.”

Amazed at her attitude, the factory owner __19__ her and went back to his own country. He worked hard to show the same attitude __20__ his workers, and today his company is one of the best companies in the world.

1. A. sad B. terrible C. happy D. nervous

2. A. watching B. missing C. greeting D. seeing

3. A. different B. same C. small D. large

4. A. ran B. entered C. arrived D. walked

5. A. guessing B. asking C. wondering D. imagining

6. A. work B. job C. thing D. smile

7. A. her B. it C. me D. him

8. A. fond B. tired C. proud D. afraid

9. A. angered B. cried C. smiled D. sighed

10. A. hate B. find C. lose D. like

11. A. worried B. scared C. frightened D. surprised

12. A. job B. career C. position D. role

13. A. rescuing B. restoring C. serving D. representing

14. A. interesting B. brief C. humorous D. normal

15. A. boss B. country C. family D. shop

16. A. newcomers B. beggars C. strangers D. foreigners

17. A. richer B. larger C. stronger D. poorer

18. A. much B. little C. less D. more

19. A. awarded B. thanked C. paid D. punished

20. A. with B. about C. towards D. in


In my opinion, my grandfather was a deserved man. He __1__ my grandmother when they were very young. They were married and began __2__ their family.

Then an unlucky accident happened. Their only daughter was __3__, leaving behind a seven-month-old child. They lived with that child for many years until they __4__ her too. This child was taken from them by her father. They felt __5__. They were no longer __6__ to see the only living link to their __7__. But they both kept their strength and you could __8__ hear my grandfather saying, “Dont worry.”

Ten years later, that seven-month-old child grew into a young girl. Grandpa and Grandma missed seeing their granddaughter __9__ along the way. Grandpa stayed __10__ and always said, “Dont worry.” The granddaughter grew wings and __11__ to fly off on her own. At the age of fifteen she flew back into the arms of her grandparents. She continued her __12__ with them.

Though her grandparents missed seeing her younger __13__, they enjoyed teaching her to drive, seeing her graduate from high school. They watched her get __14__ and become a mother. During the __15__ two weeks of his life, Grandpa said to his granddaughter, “I missed a lot of your life, __16__ you flew back in the end. You have grown to be a beautiful young woman and a wonderful __17__ and I got to see it all.”

Now Grandpa has gone to a better __18__ and is with his daughter. I look at life in a __19__ way. He taught me to be strong, to take things that are __20__ to me as they come.

1. A. noticed B. found C. met D. helped

2. A. destroying B. raising C. dividing D. hiding

3. A. injured B. caught C. killed D. struck

4. A. satisfied B. pleased C. missed D. lost

5. A. confused B. tired C. down D. proud

6. A. invited B. allowed C. encouraged D. forced

7. A. son B. friend C. daughter D. relative

8. A. always B. never C. hardly D. already

9. A. give up B. dress up C. stand up D. grow up

10. A. young B. strong C. healthy D. awake

11. A. refused B. agreed C. failed D. decided

12. A. study B. work C. life D. game

13. A. years B. men C. styles D. businesses

14. A. drunk B. married C. excited D. hurt

15. A. first B. next C. other D. last

16. A. but B. or C. and D. nor

17. A. mother B. teacher C. worker D. member

18. A. company B. country C. family D. place

19. A. same B. different C. strange D. general

20. A. introduced B. explained C. handed D. thrown

