

2008-09-08 04:09劉雨凡
中學英語之友·高一版 2008年8期


1.What do you have to consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use?


consider doing考慮做……

That country considered making electricity from heat.


consider sb.(to be)…認為某人……

We all considered him(to be)honest. 我們都認為他很誠實。

They considered Carter to be a great president. 他們認為卡特是一位偉大的總統。

consider sb. to have done


Jones was considered to have stolen Johns bike. 有人認為瓊斯偷了約翰的自行車。

They all considered me to have bought a new cellphone. 他們都認為我買了一部新手機。


We consider Yang Liwei as one of the greatest astronauts in our country. 我們認為楊利偉是我們國家最優秀的宇航員之一。

Pop fans considered the album as the top one of the year. 流行歌迷認為這張專輯為年度第一。


All means have been tried to stop the flood coming into the village. 為阻止洪水進入村莊人們想盡一切辦法。(means前用all修飾,謂語用復數)

You must stop the murderer by all means. 你們必須不惜一切阻止兇手(再作案)。

Every means has been tried to save the boy. 為救這個小男孩所有的辦法都用了。(means前有every修飾,謂語用單數。)


Now that she is out of a job, Lucy ____ going back to school, but she hasnt decided yet.

A. had considered

B. has been considering

C. considered

D. is going to consider

解析:B 句意為:由于失業了,Lucy一直在考慮回學校學習,但還沒有決定。所以應用現在完成進行時態表示一直在持續的動作。consider考慮,后接動名詞作賓語。

2.People also travel to meet new friends, to try new kinds of food, to experience life in other parts of the world or simply to get away from cold weather.


Have you experienced real hunger? 你體驗過真正的饑餓嗎?

Experiencing pain is as valuable as experiencing pleasure.



Our journey was quite an unforgettable experience. 我們的旅行可謂是一段難忘的經歷。

Experience comes from practice.



Jumping out of ____ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ____ exciting experience.

A. 不填; the B. 不填; an

C. an; an D. the; the


3.Watch out for dangers, such as spiders, snakes or poisonous plants.

1)watch out(for)=look out(for)意為“當心;提防”。

Watch out for that man.


Watch out!Theres a car coming. 當心!有車來了!

辨析:watch out; look out; take care; be careful


Watch out/Look out!A car is running at you. 小心!一輛車正向你沖來。

Take care/Be careful! The pans hot. 當心!鍋很燙。

take care, be careful都可接不定式的否定形式和從句。

You have to be careful not to hit rocks, trees and other dangers.


Do be careful/take care not to break the jar. 千萬當心不要打破這個罐子。

Take care that you should finish the job ahead of time. 注意你們應該提前完成這件工作。

Be careful how you start the machine.怎樣開動這部機器要多加注意。

2)danger名詞,意為“危險”。詞組be in danger意為“處在危險中”;out of danger意為“脫離危險”。danger具體指危險的人或物時是可數名詞。形容詞是dangerous;副詞是dangerously。

The tiger is in danger.


The tiger is a danger to us. (The tiger is dangerous to us.) 老虎對我們來說是危險的動物。


——____ for the glass!

——Its OK. Im wearing shoes.

A. Look out B. Walk out

C. Go out D. Set out

解析:A look out for=watch out for當心,為固定短語。句意:當心那些玻璃!

4.The name “whitewater” comes from the fact that the water in these streams and rivers looks white when it moves quickly.

1)that the water in these streams and rivers looks white…是一個同位語從句。同位語從句一般跟在某些名詞(如idea, news, fact, promise等)的后面,用以說明名詞所表示的具體內容。引導同位語從句的連詞that一般不省略。

The news that our basketball team has won was really exciting.


The fact that he was against our plan surprised us all. 他反對我們的方案這一事實使得大家大為驚訝。

2)come from是“來自于……,來源于……”的意思。

The word “cent” in American money came from old French. 美幣中的cent來源于古法語。


There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars ____ road conditions need ____.

A. that; to be improved

B. which; to be improved

C. where; improving

D. when; improving

解析:A 第一空是that引導的同位語從句,來解釋problem的內容。第二個空是need后加doing或to be done的形式。

5.Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days time.

1)in a few days time=in a few days表示“幾天以后”,介詞in后接表示時間的名詞,意為“過多少時間,在……之后”,通常與一般將來時連用。

He will be back in an hours time/in an hour.



He returned the book after a week. 他一周之后就還了書。


in advance 事前;預先

in any case 不管怎樣

in other words


in spite of盡管

in the long run 從長遠來說;最后


adj. 單獨的;分離的;個別的。

There are many separate rooms in this hotel. 這個賓館有很多單間。

vt. & vi. 使……分開,使……脫離;分手。separate…from…把……與……分開。

A garden separates this house from the next. 這個花園把這座房子和那座分開了。

They walked a mile together and then separated. 我們一起走了一英里,然后就分開了。


divide意為“劃分”,著重指將整體分成若干部分,其后往往搭配介詞into; separate意為“分隔”,往往指把原來結合在一起或混合在一起的分開或隔離。

The world is divided into five continents. 世界分為五大洲。

Bob will separate the bad apples from the good ones. Bob要把壞蘋果與好蘋果分開來。


Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have ____ one-year-old twins at the head.

A. isolated B. separated

C. divided D. removed

解析:B isolate意為“孤立,隔離”,如:He felt entirely isolated from society. 他覺得自己完全與社會隔離了。separate意為“分離,分開”,強調把原來分開的東西隔開。divide強調把整體分成部分。remove則表示“移開,移走,去除”。Would you please remove the books from my desk?你能把書從我的桌子上移開嗎?根據題干是給一歲大的連體雙胞胎做分離手術,故應選擇B為正確答案。

6.Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.

1)protect通常用作及物動詞,與defend同義,意思是“保衛、保護”,常見短語protect sb. from…表示“保護某人免受……”。

We should protect the children.


The soldiers built a high wall to protect themselves from attack by the enemy.


2)辨析put on, wear, have on, in和with

(1)put on意思是“穿,戴”,指動作,其反義詞是take off。

He put on his glasses to read the newspaper. 他戴上眼鏡看報紙。

He put on his coat and went out quickly. 他穿上大衣然后迅速走了出去。

(2)wear vt.表示狀態,“穿著,戴著”的意思。

She was wearing the coat I bought for her. 她穿著我給她買的大衣。

We shouldnt judge a person only by the clothes he wears. 我們不能僅僅以貌取人。

(3)have on指狀態,“穿著,戴著”,不能用在進行時中。

I dont know the man who has a black coat on. 我不認識那個穿黑外套的人。


Charlie was always in his old black jacket at that time. 那時候查里總是穿著那件黑色舊上衣。

All the girls are in red. 姑娘們都穿著紅衣服。

The man with gold glasses is his father. 戴金色眼鏡的人是他的父親。


At the north pole, they must wear warm clothes to ____ themselves ____ the cold.

A. stop; from

B. keep; from

C. protect; from

D. prevent; from

解析:C protect…from…保護……免遭……;stop/keep/prevent…from…阻止某人做……。

7.As with hiking, you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes.

1)as with意為“正如……一樣”,相當于as is the case with。


as for=as to至于,說明;as follows如下;as good as幾乎已經,實際已經;as it is(was)根據現在情況看,就以現在樣子;as a whole總的來說;as usual像平常一樣

As with drawing a picture, you should be patient and careful in doing this job. 正如畫畫一樣,在做這份工作時,你應該耐心細致。


____ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It B. As

C. That D. What

解析:B as“正如,正像”,關系代詞,指代后面分句的內容,引導一個非限制性定語從句。

8.Eco-travel is a way to find out what can be done to help animals and plants as well as people.

as well as是并列連詞,意為“不僅……而且……;既……又……”。

The girl is lively as well as healthy. 這個女孩既健康又活潑。

I read German as well as French. 我不僅讀法語而且讀德語。

as well as與not only…but also…不同。A as well as B的意思是“不但B而且A”,其重點是前者,而不在后者。not only A but also B則強調后者,可按詞序翻譯為“不但A而且B”,謂語與but also后的主語一致。

She is clever as well as beautiful. =She is not only beautiful but also clever. 她不僅漂亮而且聰明。

as well as連接兩個并列成分作主語時,句子的謂語動詞應與as well as前面的那個名詞或代詞的人稱和數相一致。

Your brother as well as you is very kind to me. 你和你哥哥都對我很好。

解析:as well as和as well

as well as中第二個as常省去,意為“同樣地,也”(just as much)。

I can hear you quite as well when you speak softly. (省去as I can hear you when you speak loudly)


I can do it as well (as you can). 我也能做。

as well=too 位于句中或句末。

Wang has expressed his support. I, as well/too, will do what I can for you. 王已表示支持,我也會盡力幫你。

The teacher as well as the students was moved by the film.=The students as well as the teacher were moved by the film.

=Not only the teacher but also the students were moved by the film. 老師和學生都被這部電影打動了。

與as well as用法相同的還有as much as, with, like, together with, but, except, besides, including, rather than, in addition to, 句中謂語動詞的單復數都取決于前面的名詞或代詞的單復數。


Mr Brown, as well as his family ____ leaving for France for the festival.

A. is B. are

C. will be D. have been

解析:A as well as連接兩個并列成分作主語時,句子的謂語動詞應與as well as前面的那個名詞或代詞在人稱和數上相一致。is leaving是現在進行時表示將來的動作;C項錯,正確形式應為will leave。

9.On October 17th, 1989 a strong earthquake took place and killed over 100 people.


on Friday, on the night of October lst, on a sunny morning, on ones birthday, etc.

2)take place和happen的區別

take place多指“(某事)按計劃進行或按計劃發生?!?還有“舉行”之意;而happen多強調偶然發生的事件。take place和happen都不能用于被動語態。

An accident happened in the street this morning. 今天早上在這條街道上發生了一起事故。

The lecture takes place in our school hall next Friday. 講座于下星期五在我們學校禮堂舉行。


The accident is reported to have occurred ____ the first Sunday in February.

A. at B. on

C. in D. to

解析:B 由于題干中the first Sunday為某一日,故選介詞on, on常置于某一日前或帶有修飾語的表示早、中、晚的詞前面。例如:on a stormy afternoon

10.Tree after tree went down, cut down by the water, which must have been three metres deep.


Year after year he visits his teachers. 他年年去拜訪他的老師。

Bus after bus passed by.



day after day 日復一日

time after time 再三

hour after hour 一小時又一小時地

2)cut down砍倒;降低(費用),減小(數量)

I am going to cut this tree down. 我打算砍倒這棵樹。

I dont know how to cut down the expenses.



cut in打斷(談話),插嘴;cut into something切開某物;cut off切去(尤指尖端部分),剪掉;cut up切碎;cut something to pieces切碎。

Dont cut in the conversation so rudely and let her finish. 不要那樣粗魯地插嘴,讓她說完。

Mary cut into her birthday cake and everybody clapped. 瑪麗切開她的生日蛋糕,大家鼓掌慶賀。

Dont cut your fingers off.


3)must have done表示對過去發生的事情作肯定的推測。

Why isnt he here? He must have missed the train. 他為什么不在這里?他一定是沒坐上火車。

He must have watched TV last night, because he looks tired. 他昨晚一定看電視了,因為他看起來很疲憊。

He must stay at home now.


He must be in the reading room now. 他現在肯定在閱覽室。


——Tom is never late for

work. Why is he absent


——Something ____ to him.

A. must happen

B. should have happened

C. could have happened

D. must have happened

解析:D must have done表示對過去事情的肯定推斷,意為“過去一定做了某事”。A表示對現在或未來事情的肯定推測;B意為“本應該發生”;C意為“可能已經發生”,口氣不太肯定,由于前一句意為“湯姆上班從未遲到過”,因此判斷他今天缺席一定是因為出了什么事了。

11.It didnt take long before the wooden building was destroyed by the fire.

1)It didnt take/wasnt long before…不久就……,相當于before long。

2)It took/was long before…過了很久才……。

It took long before the fire was put out. 過了很久才把大火撲滅。

3)It will take/be long before…要過很久才……。

It will take long before the new library building is built up. 要過很久新圖書大樓才能建成。

It wont take/be long before…不久就會……,同樣相當于before long。

It wont take long before some American friends come to visit our new school.


4)long before意為“很久以前”。

He said he had been there long before.他說自己很久以前去過那里。

before long意為“不久以后”。

He will be back before long.



It ____ long before we ____ the result of the experiment.

A. will not be; will know

B. is; will know

C. will not be; know

D. is; know

解析:C 本題考查“It be+時間+before從句”結構中時態的運用。在此句型中,如果主句是將來時,before引導的從句用一般現在時。
