
韻流運河魂 和融書茶香

2014-01-16 18:32沙舟張超
文化交流 2014年1期


“庭院深深深幾許,楊柳堆煙,簾幕無重數。 ”從霞灣巷的后門步入富義倉,庭院幽深,楊樹如蓋,斑駁的石灰泥墻,腳下鋪砌的青石地磚,風雨侵蝕后露出瓷片碎瓦,透露出歷史的信息。







Calligraphers and enthusiasts meet for the pleasure of writing at Yunhe Academy.






The above is a picture showing a tea party

at the academy.

The front gate of the historical warehouse

faces the Grand Canal.

杭州市人大常委會領導、部分委員及人大代表也到富義倉考察,了解情況。2002年1月,時任省委常委、杭州市委書記的王國平作出批示:“在拆的立即停止,已拆的妥善修復。 ”有著一百多年歷史的富義倉,終于虎口脫險,幸免于難,被列入運河二期整治工程。


“三年前來這里開書院,目的是想典藏好書,擁書自雄,還想開個國學講堂,弘揚傳統文化。 ”韻和書院院長吳艾倩談起成立書院的初衷時這么說。




“現代人活得匆忙且單調乏味。我是一個閑不住的人,我只想讓大家有機會坐到茶藝師的位置上,去體驗泡茶時的情趣,研習藝術插花、習香品香、打坐聽禪,握住毛筆寫大字,傾注心神一筆一畫地寫著屬于自己的《心經》《論語》,忘掉自己的身份,忘掉自己的煩惱。 ”吳艾倩說,為了韻和書院,為了運河文化,她要“和運河談一生的戀愛”。

大運河畔自從有了韻和書院,這流淌千百年的運河岸邊,便傳出了瑯瑯書聲。藏書、講學,歷來是書院主要功能。憑借從業優勢,韻和書院迅速建立起了典藏經籍的書庫,使飽經蒼涼的義倉飄出幽幽的翰墨書香。這里不僅有鎮院之寶 —全套1184冊乾隆欽定線裝《四庫全書》,123冊《傳世藏書》,還有作為運河文化保護使者而收藏的100冊京杭大運河畫卷,以及無數線裝古籍傳世典籍。韻和書院因此被譽為三千里大運河上首家“文化糧倉”。






“韻和女人 ”是書院的一大品牌,以韻和女人學堂為中心,以生命瑜伽修煉為主課,創意策劃了韻和女茶、韻和女酒、韻和女裝等系類產品。韻和女人同樣好奇古,喜高雅,如詩詞文字、美句華章,如琴棋書畫、佳茗奇香,擁有精滿氣暢神足的亮麗儀表、優雅談吐、高貴氣質,這正是文人茶所需要的內涵和境界。


2013年以來,韻和書院相繼舉辦了諸多與書茶、與傳統文化相關的活動。從“禪商研習班”到“沉香之旅”,從“全國讀書日書茶會”到“蓮心沙龍”,從六月六“韻和曬書節”講述“我與書的故事”到七月七舉辦浪漫而詩意的“玫瑰茶會”,從盛夏的“微國學 ·慧生活”系列國學講座開講到中秋前夕“大運河書茶節”盛會……


Canal Granary Turns into Academy

By Sha Zhou, Zhang Chao

Fuyi Grain Warehouse in Hangzhou used to be one of the largest grain storage facilities on the Grand Canal of China. It was erected in 1880. After a serious grain supply shortages in Hangzhou, Zhe-jiang Governor Tan Zhonglin purchased a plot of 0.67 hectare by the Grand Canal for 11,000 silver taels and built an extra large grain storage facility. Located at the southern end of the Grand Canal , it served as part of the distribution center. At the most important years, the compound had 13 warehouses and offices and the grain handled there a year amounted to hundreds of thousands kilos. Though the tribute grain system was abolished in 1901, the warehouse contin-ued to function as a granary. After 1949, it came into the possession of Hangzhou Grain Company. The warehouse was later transformed into a dormitory compound for a local military unit and for workers of the Hangzhou Shipyard.

In the early years of this century, Hangzhou launched a com-prehensive preservation project for the urban section of the Grand Canal. The granary had survived all the tumultuous twentieth century,but it was almost leveled in the autumn of 2001 when a real estate developer was about to dismantle it and clear the ground when they found a retired school teacher living in the middle sec-tion of the compound refused to move out. People were sent in to

see what was going on and were astonished to find that the primary

school teacher was holding the neck of a giant stone turtle which

carries a 2-square-meter stone tablet on its back and murmuring.

The tablet has a memorial inscription on the construction of the granary in the Qing Dynasty. After the incident was reported, the government took action. Wang Guoping, the Hangzhou CPC chief, gave a concise instruction: “Stop dismantling immediately and re-store whats gone.” The time-old granary was put into the second

canal improvement project.

In 2001, the refurbishment project was launched on the granary and completed in 2007. The granary keeps its original design, structure and material: the compound, the stone founda-tion, the wood structure, the adobe walls, the black roof tiles. In 2005, it was listed as a key cultural relic site for preservation at the provincial level and in 2013, it was inscribed on the national preser-vation directory.

Yunhe Academy of Chinese Classics moved into the third courtyard three years ago and is flourishing. Founded by the lo-

cal businesswoman Wu Qiqian, the academy serves as a library, a

lecture room, a school where people can study ancient classics, and a teahouse. Wu started her book publishing business in 1992 and founded a book sales chain in 2002. She has accumulated a fortune over the 20 plus years. In 2010, she put money into this academy.

The academy boasts a valuable collection of books, including the 1,184-volume Emperor Qianlong Version of Complete Works of Chinese Classics. Also in the collection are 123 volumes of Heirloom Books, 100 paintings with the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal as the subject and numerous thread-bound books of ancient times. The academy is now a venue for lectures on Chinese classics. Lecturers are from home and overseas. The lectures have at-tracted wide attention.

The academy also offers a tea-book service to visitors. That is, you can lounge at the acad-emy, enjoying a cup of tea, reading a book from the library and sitting outdoors or in the library itself or in the tea-book room. No matter where

you are at the academy, you are sure to find a

comfortable chair.

The unique tea-book association offers an

insight into the glamour of the ancient Chinese classics. The Yunhe Academy has attracted


Liu Mengxi, a member of the Central Research Institute of Chinese Culture and His-tory, meets Wu Aiqian, president of Yunhe Academy of Chinese Classics in Hangzhou.

thousands of visitors from 50 countries and regions since 2010.

In 2013, the academy held a series of events associated with books, tea and traditional culture, including a seminar on Zen and business, a tea party held on the National Day for reading, a gather-together on the sixth day of the sixth month on the lunar calendar when scholars in ancient times aired their book collections out-doors, a romantic rose tea party on the seventh day of the seventh month on the lunatic calendar, and a series of lectures on classics and wisdom of life, tea and book festival before the Moon Festival.

Though economically the canal is no longer what it was in the past centuries, the academy carries on the cultural essence of the great canal: culture based on material prosperity.
