

2014-01-16 18:38茹擁政
文化交流 2014年1期


2013年11月7日立冬時節,正是紹興酒鄉魅力。酒之冠。2013年6月26日,世界權威品牌黃酒開釀的日子?!暗?9屆中國紹興黃中國黃酒,天下一絕。紹興黃酒研究、評審機構 —“世界品牌實驗室 酒節”在中國黃酒博物館廣場隆重開是中國黃酒的杰出代表,也是紹興的(WorldBrandLab)”發布了2013年“中國最幕。此次黃酒節以“品味國釀、品味生“金名片”。紹興黃酒歷史悠久,技藝作

榜單,“古越龍山”強” 005具價值品牌




人們看到在博物館廣場上,結合紹興特色和酒文化特色的“品 ”字型花崗巖石雕巍然聳立。石雕上面還刻有原始酒器的圖案和品字釋文?!捌贰?,也是中國黃酒博物館的核心思想,希望每位來賓能在這里“品嘗黃酒佳釀、品讀歷史名家、品味人生百態”。



博物館由廣場、序廳、酒史廳、酒業廳、酒藝廳、酒俗廳、酒窖等組成。在序廳,有兩幅面積共100平方米的鍛銅浮雕壁畫 —“中國黃酒演義”圖,記錄了從原始社會到民國時期,上下五千年黃酒發展史上的50個故事。酒史廳主要通過歷史的線索,以文字展板、實物展示、立體場景等形式展示黃酒的悠久歷史,以及在這個歷史長河中所孕育的各種酒文化故事、風情、名士與風物。酒藝廳用三維幻影展示黃酒從一粒米到成品酒的釀造工藝及流程;走進酒俗廳,人們可以看到酒道表演和花雕酒釀制工藝演示。地下酒窖是中國黃酒博物館的一個主要參觀點,占地400余平方米,現以傳統模式存放著4350壇陳年黃酒和500壇奧運酒。









Museum in Shaoxing Celebrates

Yellow Wine Tradition

By Ru Yongzheng

November 7, 2013 marked the beginning of the winter that spans 2013 and 2014 on the lunar calendar. In Shaoxing in eastern

Zhejiang it also marked the beginning of

the brewing season of the Shaoxing yellow

wine. To celebrate the start of the brewing season, the 19th China Shaox-ing Yellow Wine Festival made its debut on the square of China Yellow Wine Museum. Situated near the ancient Guangxiang Bridge on the river that rings the downtown Shaoxing, the 16,000-m2 mu-seum is Chinas only large-scale museum that celebrates the traditional rice wine. The yellow wine presumably originated in Shaoxing, a city of history and culture in east-ern Zhejiang, a coastal prov-ince in eastern China. Guyue Longshan, a famed yellow wine brewer of Shaoxing, was rated by World Brand lab as one of Chinas top 500 brands in 2013. It is the tenth consecu-tive year for the 2.585-billion-yuan Guyue Longshan to rank among the top 500, the only one in the yellow wine industry that has made it to the top 500. The large square is a very

expressive preface of the museum. A huge granite sculpture features the image of a primitive wine vessel and the primitive Chi-nese hieroglyph品, which means exploring

the taste and determining its quality for a life of grace. Also on the square is a 7-meter-tall

wooden extracting machine, a device used in the traditional wine-making procedure. Beautifully decorated with 99 different ver-sions of the word wine (酒), the machine is by no means a decoration. It can still work. Behind the towering machine stands a wall embedded with 936 wine jars. On either side of the gate of the museum stand three giant bronze wine vessels, enlarged replications of the ancient wine vessels that go back to 4,000 years. Twenty-seven tons of bronze were used for the sculptures.

In addition to the square, the museum has six different structures including a hall of history and a cellar. In the introduction hall are two brass relief murals which add up to 100 square meters in size. The murals relate 50 events in the history of the wines 5,000-year glory. The procedure hall explains step by step in 3D how rice becomes wine.

The cellar is a major attraction for visitors.

The giant granite sculpture serves as the centerpiece of the square in front of the museum.

way. The museum also offers a service to store the wine visitors purchase and want to keep in the cellar.

History and Culture

The rice wine goes back to 7,000 years ago in Zhejiang but Shaoxing Wine as a noun took shape officially during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). The wine became ex-tremely popular across the country in the Ming (1368-1644) and the Qing (1644-191). A famous cook book in the Qing gives a full story of the Shaoxing Wine, tracing its ori-gin, evolution, varieties, and attributes.

One of the worlds major three ancient wines, the Shaoxing yellow wine repre-sents the best of the various yellow wines produced across the country. The brewing procedure has long since been modernized and the industry organizes all the upstream and lower stream steps tightly in a scientific way. Farms commissioned by wineries in Shaoxing produce organic glutinous rice as raw material. Production lines at world-class level work in the workshops. Quality control measures are also up to the world level.

The museum is now the center of a large tourism proposition that displays the charms, history and culture of Shaoxing. The one-billion-yuan project also aims to renovate a small island in the river into a large attraction for tourists. According to the planners, the island will have brew-ing workshops, wine shops, restaurants. People can also take boat rides and enjoy watching theater per-formances from the boats, a traditional way of attending theater performance across Shaoxing. The first phase of the project cost 600 million yuan. And the second phase, a 400 million project, will renovate the an-cient street blocks so

that the retrofitted part

will have wine shops, pubs and clubs.

Fu Jianwei, presi-dent of Shaoxing Yellow Wine Group, is upbeat about the Yel-low Wine Culture and Tourism Zone. “Such a theme zone will certainly play a highly positive role in promot-ing the wine industry, culture and tourism of Shaoxing.”

李全鎖:打造黃酒品牌 回饋父老鄉親