

2014-01-16 18:48徐學敏邱明亮
文化交流 2014年1期



寧波保國寺鳥瞰全景圖 A birds eye view of Baoguo Temple in Ningbo





35米), .13(91米),進深三間 .闊三間(11




















An external view of the Great Buddhas Hall, which has withstood the test of time for over 1,000 years. The wooden structure is widely regarded as a miracle of architecture.

Baoguo Temple – A Thousand-Year-

Long Legend

By Xu Xuemin & Qiu Mingliang

The grand opening of a special ceremony sponsored by the cultural administration au-thority of Ningbo in commemoration of the millennium of the Baoguo Temple, on Sep-tember 26, 2013, drew in a huge turnout and was attended by a galaxy of calligraphers and painting artists who contributed their share of the cultural aura of the osmanthus scented occasion.

Submission of calligraphy works and paintings for the 2013 millennium celebra-tion started in 2012. The resulting ‘thousand-meter-long painting scroll featured at the opening ceremony vividly unfolds the ar-chitectural, scenic and cultural charm of this thousand-year-old temple.

Also known as Lingshan Temple be-cause of its location in the hinterland of the Lingshan area in northern Hongtang Town, Jiangbei District, about 15km from down-town Ningbo, Baoguo Temple was built in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220AD). The main hall of the extant structure was rebuilt in 1013 during the Northern Song (960-1127),

and is one of the oldest and best-conserved wooden temple structures in the southern banks of the Yangtze River area and in Chi-

na. Covering about an area of 13,000 square

meters, the temple complex has a build-up

area of about 6000 square meters and is now

under state-level protection.

Surviving numerous natural disasters and the atrocity of extreme weather over the past 1,000 years, the wooden structure is justifi-ably a miracle in the worlds history of archi-tecture. Generations of scholars and archi-tects have been confused, and enchanted, by the unfathomable enigma created by ancient artisans for their progeny to marvel at, if not see through.

One of the accidental findings by archae-ologists and architects involved in a recent renovation and protection project on the tem-ple that kicked off in June, 2013 is that 12 of the stone lotus-shaped plinths of this time-tested wooden structure were a legacy from the late Tang Dynasty (618-907) and early Northern Song Dynasty. Laid out symmetri-cally, the plinths serve as the column base of the Guanyin Hall of the temple, confirmed by experts from the Cultural Relics Preserva-tion Office of Ningbo and the Nanjing-based Southeast University.

The age-old temple is now listed, deserv-ingly, in the countrys first Cultural Relics Protection Directory issued by the State Council. The architectural essence of the structure is embodied by the Great Bud-dhas Hall. Serving as the centerpiece of the temple, the Great Buddhas Hall features a rectangle structure and a hipped roof with double eaves. Constructed entirely by a sys-tem of brackets inserted between the top of every column and crossbeam and perfected by the precision of traditional Chinese tenon-and-mortise expertise, the hall is a piece of art that is dubbed ‘a beamless hall.

Behind the aesthetic beauty and extremely elaborate structural mechanism achieved by ancient Chinese carpenters is the artistry that would leave any modern architect too infe-rior to bear comparison, making the temple a hallmark of the Song Dynasty architecture and a significant cultural, artistic and scientif-ic asset in the architectural history of China.

Cypress, a very special construction mate-rial used in the structure, creates a forbidden zone for spiders and birds, preventing the temple from being gnawed away by inhabit-ing birds and insects.

However, some experts attribute the

insect-resistant quality of the structure to the

sound wave vibrations generated structurally by the wooden compound itself.

Interestingly, the present-day Baoguo Temple does not fall into the conventional ‘temple category. It is now a ‘monk-less temple, or more precisely, a museum that makes one feel like walking around a sacred palace frozen in time.

The question is: Will the glory and beauty of the temple shine through another millen-nium?

According to a professor from the Architecture and Ur-ban Planning School of Tongji University who has been monitoring the ‘health status of the temple structure from the architectural angle for years, the biggest threats to the temple com-plex are not the fatal catastrophes as wars and fires but the seemingly insignificant adverse factors such as temperature and humidity.

Although the consensus that the temple -especially the Great Buddha Hall - is in need of refurbishment, has been reached, archeo-logical experts and architects have to work out concrete methods and procedures.

“We have enough scientific grounds to believe that the temple can maintain its re-splendence for another 1,000 years on the conditions that the roof can remain strong enough to ward off rain erosion and that the groundwork of the structure does not sink. The most important policy is ‘minimum inter-vention and maximum maintenance, so that the original structural system can be left alone to achieve longevity,” advised a deputy chair-man of Chinese Society of Cultural Relics.
