

2016-07-28 08:32龐蓓蓓NobumichiKobayashi彭勁松王遠虹
中國人獸共患病學報 2016年5期

龐蓓蓓,周 璇,Nobumichi Kobayashi,彭勁松,王遠虹



龐蓓蓓1,周璇1,Nobumichi Kobayashi2,彭勁松1,王遠虹1


摘要:目的監測和分析2011年和2013年武漢市嬰幼兒和成人病毒性胃腸炎病原。方法用聚丙烯酰胺凝膠電泳及RT-PCR對胃腸炎患者腹瀉大便樣本進行輪狀病毒、諾如病毒、星狀病毒以及札幌樣病毒檢測,部分樣本測序并比對同源性。用PCR檢測腺病毒。結果輪狀病毒、諾如病毒、星狀病毒、札幌樣病毒檢出率分別為21.6%(296/1 368)、35.7%(488/1 368)、10.2%(140/1 368)和7.7%(105/1 368);腸道腺病毒在兒童患者中的檢出率為8.2%(70/853)。諾如病毒和輪狀病毒易感人群為13~24月齡和7~24月齡兒童,及40~59歲成人。輪狀病毒檢出高峰在秋冬季。星狀病毒、札幌樣病毒和腺病毒多發于2歲以下的嬰幼兒,無明顯季節分布。196人份A組輪狀病毒基因型以G9P[8]為主(40.8%),其次為G1P[8](26.5%),G3P[8](16.3%)和G2P[4](11.7 %)。經測序比對諾如病毒基因型分別為GⅡ.4型(7/12),GⅡ.3型(5/12);星狀病毒為1型(8/13),8型(4/13)和5型(1/13);札幌樣病毒為GI.1型(2/6),GI 2型(2/6)和GⅡ.1型(2/6)。結論2011年和2013年武漢市嬰幼兒和成人胃腸炎主要病原是諾如病毒,其次是輪狀病毒。







1.2.1試劑和儀器賽百盛RNA核酸提取試劑盒和樹脂型TM基因組DNA提取試劑盒提取樣本中的RNA和DNA用于檢測NoV、AstV、SaV和EAdV。大連寶生物公司Takara One step PCR kit試劑盒用于逆轉錄-聚合酶鏈式反應(RT-PCR)擴增,PTC-100TM PCR儀進行PCR擴增反應。QIAGEN QIAxcel Advances毛細管電泳儀檢測擴增樣本并讀取結果。


Tab.1Primers used for RT-PCR, PCR and sequencing in this study







2.1流行病學特征兩年共檢測1 368例樣本,其中成人樣本515例,兒童樣本853例。NoV檢出率為35.7%(488/1 368),RV為21.6%(296/1 368),AstV為10.2%(140/1 368),SaV為7.7%(105/1 368)。嬰幼兒患者男女比例為1.6∶1,成人患者男女比為1∶1.2。兒童中EAdV檢出率為8.2%(70/853)。

兒童樣本中,NoV檢出率為35.9%(306/853),在13~24月齡的嬰幼兒中檢出率最高(表2),除了9月份和12月份外其它10個月份的檢出率均較高; 其次為RV,檢出率為26.8%(229/853),RV檢出年齡多集中在7月~24月齡,流行季節為秋冬季(10月~次年1月)。兒童樣本AstV、SaV和EAdV的檢出率分別為13.1%(109/853),8.9%(76/853)和8.2%(70/853),高發于2歲以下嬰幼兒。AstV全年均有檢出,10月~12月以及次年的1月相對較高。SaV 1月~2月檢出率較高,6月、8月和9月未檢出。腺病毒主要在2歲以下的嬰幼兒中檢出,70例陽性樣本中有67例從該年齡段檢出,全年均有病例分布,以4月,5月和8月發病為主。

成人樣本中,NoV檢出率為35.3%(182/515),RV為13.0%(67/515),AstV為6.0%(31/515),SaV為5.6%(29/515),以40~59歲為高發人群。AstV和SaV在成人中各年齡段均有檢出。RV高發季節為秋冬季(10月~12月),NoV、AstV和SaV無明顯季節性分布,其中SaV 5月、6月、9月、10月未檢出。



Tab.2The age distribution of gastroenteritis viruses in Wuhan

年齡組檢測數諾如病毒輪狀病毒星狀病毒札幌樣病毒AgegroupsTestamountNoVRVAstVSaV≤6m23885(35.7)37(15.6)35(14.71)15(6.3)7m-12m440150(34.1)147(33.4)48(10.9)36(8.2)13m-24m8841(46.6)29(33.0)18(20.5)17(19.3)25m-5y5016(32.0) 8(16.0) 3(6.0) 6(12.0)6y-14y3714(37.8) 8(21.6) 5(13.5) 2(5.4)15y-19y237(30.4) 3(13.0) 3(13.0) 2(8.7)20y-29y10131(30.7)10(9.9) 3(3.0) 6(5.9)30y-39y6323(36.5) 7(11.1) 3(4.8) 3(4.8)40y-49y9136(39.6)12(13.2) 6(6.6) 1(1.1)50y-59y10334(33.0)22(21.4) 7(6.8) 7(6.8)60y-69y7126(36.6) 6(8.5) 7(9.8) 5(7.0)≥70y6325(39.7) 7(11.1) 2(3.2) 5(7.9)Total1368488(35.7)296(21.6)140(10.2)105(7.7)


Note:Inside the parentheses is rate of positive cases


Tab.3Seasonality of RNA gastroenteritis viruses in adults and children in 2011 and 2013 respecitively in Wuhan



Note:Inside the parentheses is rate of positive cases

圖1 2011年和2013年武漢市A組輪狀病毒G,P基因分型Fig.1 Genotypes of group A rotavirus in 2011 and 2013 in Wuhan

2.3NoV,AstV、SaV測序結果NoV主要的基因型別為GII.4為(7/12),其次GII3(5/12)。GII.4型與韓國日本的流行株同源性為99%,GII.3型與貴州省流行株同源性為98%~99%。AstV主要基因型別為1型(8/13),與北京地區流行株同源性為96%~99%,其次為8型(4/13)和5型(1/13)。6例SaV樣本中GI.1,GI.2和GII.1型均為2例。SaV GII 1與越南流行株同源性為100%。









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Surveillance and analysis of the pathogens of viral gastroenteritis in 2011 and 2013,Wuhan,China

PANG Bei-bei1, ZHOU Xuan1, Nobumichi Kobayashi2, PENG Jin-song1, WANG Yuan-hong*


Abstract:To survey and analyze the pathogens of viral gastroenteritis among infants and adults in 2011 and 2013 in Wuhan, the stool samples were detected for the rotavirus, norovirus, astrovirus and sapovirus by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), RT-PCR and PCR. The nucleotide sequences of partial positive samples were determined and their identities were analyzed by BLAST and/or genotyping tool online. The detection rates of rotavirus, norovirus, astrovirus, sapovirus were 21.6%(296/1 368), 35.7%(488/1 368),10.2%(140/1 368) and 7.7% (105/1 368),respectively. The detection rate of adenovirus in children was 8.2% (70/853).The detection rates of norovirus and rotavirus were higher in 13-24 months and 7-24 months age groups, respectively, and 40-59 years old age group. The detection rate of rotavirus was higher in autumn and winter. Astrovirus, sapovirus and adenovirus were more frequently detected in children under 2 years old. Seasonality was not observed in astrovirus, sapovirus or adenovirus. The genotypes of 196 group A rotavirus were determined. Of these, the most frequent were G9P[8](40.82%), followeing by G1P[8](26.53%), G3P[8](16.33%)and G2P[4](11.73%). The genotypes of norovirus were GII 4(7/12) and GII 3(5/12), and that of astrovirus were type 1(8/13),type 8(4/13) and type 5(1/13). The genotypes of sapovirus were GI.1(2/6), GI.2 (2/6) and GII.1 (2/6). The main pathogens of viral gastroenteritis were norovirus and rotavirus in 2011 and 2013, in Wuhan.

Key words:gastroenteritis virus; surveillance; genotype; rotavirus; norovirus Supported by National Natural Science of Foundation of China (No.81071352), the Scientific Research Foundation of Health and Family Planning Commission of Wuhan (Nos. WG09C08, WG12C03)Corresponding author: Wang Yuan-hong, Email: wyhhyc@163.com

國家自然科學基金(No. 81071352)、武漢市衛計委科研課題(No.WG09C08)和(No. WG12C03)聯合資助
