
The Experience of Acting Hamlet 表演哈姆雷特的經歷

2021-01-21 10:47楊東霖
瘋狂英語·初中版 2021年12期



I acted Hamlet, a poor guy who lost his father. This role model has left me a deep impression. Although there were lots of problems when exercising our performance, I could overcome difficulties with the help of Alisa who was the director of this outstanding performance. She told us not to be nervous and how to defeat embarrassment when we were on stage. Meanwhile, our tutor Rosa gave us a hand on acting skills for lines and physical acting. How time flied!

When I first got the script, I was really confused about how Hamlet felt. To overcome it, I read it again and again, I could get the picture of the real feeling of Hamlet and why he needed to revenge. I was really fond of the role of Hamlet actually. Even though the huge drama presentation was over, it was not over for me and our school. I could see our short plays on TV in the school hall every day.

To sum up, I can't forget what we have performed and paid out. This is really a great and impressive experience for me so far.

An Interesting Lesson:潘奕函
My Favourite Book:周鑫玚
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My Dream