

2023-03-09 03:41夏雨嬋
小學教學設計(英語) 2023年12期

文 |夏雨嬋


Step 1. Pre-reading(略)

Step 2. While-reading

1.Let’s listen

T: Today I bring you guys a new friend——Nancy, she is introducing her family’s jobs to us. Let’s listen first and answer how Nancy’s family is.

Ss: She has a big family.

T: Yes, it’s a big family. So who are they?

S1: Nancy’s grandparents,parents, uncle, aunt, cousin and Nancy.

2.Let’s scan

T: Now we know Nancy’s family members, this time let’s get to know their jobs. Scan your texts, then match the people and the jobs. You need to use“My...is a...”to answer this question.(教師提示學生以Nancy 口吻來回答問題。見圖1)


S1:My father is a firefighter.

S2:My mother is a doctor.


設計意圖:聽的環節讓學生在初學文本時能獲得整體感知,教師提出一個統領全篇的問題“How is Nancy’s family?”緊接著追問“And who are they?”,在了解了家庭結構的基礎上進一步學習職業類單詞。接下來要求學生略讀文本,對家庭成員和職業一一對應,并引導學生用句型“My...is a...”來回答。通過兩個任務幫助學生初步感知文本。

3.Let’s fill

T: Wonderful! You all did a good job!Now I want to know each job, what can they do? This time let’s get more details about this passage. Read silently and underline the key sentences, then fill the blanks on your task sheets.(見圖2)



S1: Nancy’s father can save people from fires.

T:(呈現消防員救火時和累倒在地的照片)Have you ever seen a firefighter? Look at them! What do you think of them?

S2: They are tired.

S3: They are great.

T: Yes!It’s a tough job,and the firefighters are very selfless! So what can we say to them?

S4: Thank you, firefighters.

T: Wow!You are so sweet. I bet the firefighters would be very happy to hear your words. OK,what can Nancy’s uncle do?



S1: Nancy’s uncle can fly a plane.

T: Oh, do you think it’s easy or difficult to be a pilot?

S2: Difficult.

T: Yes. It takes great effort to be a pilot. You need not only a smart brain, but also a strong body. I have a little test here,let’s check if you are potential to be a pilot.


T: Wow! What a great response! I think most of you can be a pilot in the future, so keep working!


S1: Nancy’s aunt can help people in need.

T: Guys, do you want to be a doctor in the future?

S2: Yes! Doctors can help people in need.

T: Great! Boys and girls,several months ago, we had experienced a very tough time because of the Covid -19. And the doctors, the nurses, they devoted themselves to helping people who were infected. Let’s enjoy a short video about that.And share your feeling with us.(教師播放疫情期間醫護人員救助病人的短視頻)

S3:The doctors are hardworking.

S4: I want to say: Thank you, doctors, you are so great!


S1: Nancy’s grandma can cook nice food for them.

T: Nice try!What about you?Does your grandma cook nice food for you?

S1: Yes. I’d like some chicken soup.

T: Good for you! You have a great grandma like Nancy.


S1:Nancy’s mother can teach the students a lot of knowledge.

T: So what do your teachers teach you?

S2: You teach us English.

S3: My Chinese teacher teaches us Chinese.

T: Yes! Different teachers teach you different knowledge.But no matter what you learn,learn to be a good student!


S1: Nancy’s grandpa can design the jobs as shadow puppets.

T: Yes, Nancy’s grandpa has a special job. He can do shadow puppetry. Do you know how we can make it?

[教師呈現制作皮影的步驟流程圖:select leather(挑選皮質)→draw a draft(畫稿)→carve the puppet(鏤刻)→colour the puppet(上色)→complete the puppet(完成組裝)。在課前準備的基礎上,組內合作完成皮影組裝工作,體驗皮影工作的不易和特殊性。]


4.Let’s read

(1)Read with the tape

(2)Let’s retell


Step 3. Post-reading(略)

Step 4. Homework(略)
