
Riverside Danzishi Old Street彈子石老街

2023-11-10 19:57胡金瑩
瘋狂英語·讀寫版 2023年9期



主題語境:風景名勝 篇幅:348詞 建議用時:7分鐘

1 Danzishi Old Street is located in Chongqing’s Nanan District on the south bank of the Yangtze River.The riverside landmark is a comprehensive cultural andcommercial zone that bridges the old and the new, with itsunique styles that combined the East and the West. Withits attractive scene, the block was included on the list of national?level tourist areas in2022.

2 The classic architecture along the old street reflects the historical charm of Chong?qing, with its lanterns, birdcage decorations, other lighting installations and so on.

3 The forming of Danzishi dates back to the early 19th century when the area served asan important dock along the Yangtze River. Many of the old buildings have been lost overtime, but luckily, some of the significant architectural and cultural remnants still remain.

4 One of the notable buildings in the area is the French Navy Barracks, which wasestablished by the French Navy during the Qing Dynasty Emperor Guangxu’s reign in1902. With typical French architectural styles and characteristics, it looks very attractive,adding to the charm of the street.

5 Another noteworthy building featuring Western architecture is the Yide Church,which perfectly combines Gothic and modern architectural styles. Tourists also flock to theWang Family Courtyard, a traditional quadrangle (四方院子) courtyard with nearly 200years of history. The Wang Family Courtyard preserves the traditional Chinese architec?tural style and layout, providing a glimpse into the past lifestyles and cultural traditionsof residents.

6 In addition to historic buildings, Danzishi Old Street also blends in modern elements.The old architecture there has been kept perfectly during the brand?new development. Thestreet is lined with shops, restaurants, teahouses, and snack stalls, offering a wide range oflocal delicious food and souvenirs.

7 Danzishi Old Street is a great place for visitors to leisurely stroll and explore. This isa place where you can take in the historical atmosphere of Chongqing and experience thelocal cultural charm. The charming evening atmosphere improved by artistic lightinginstallations is an unforgettable sight for those who arrive there.

Reading Check


1. What did Danzishi originally serve as?

A. An important dock.

B. A riverside landmark.

C. A tourist area.

D. A historical street.


2. Which place possesses the mixture of the old and the new?

A. French Navy Barracks.

B. Yide Church.

C. Wang Family Courtyard.

D. Nanan District.


3. What can visitors do when visiting Danzishi Old Street?

A. Enjoy interesting buildings.

B. Eat delicious food free of charge.

C. Study typical foreign culture.

D. Visit traditional book shops.


4. Where is the text probably taken from?

A. An advertisement. B. A travel journal.

C. A popular magazine. D. A geography textbook.

Language Study

Ⅰ. Text?centered chunks

be certified as 被認證為

reflect the historical charm of 反映……的歷史魅力

date back to 追溯到

add to 增添

flock to 涌到

be lined with 排列著

a wide range of 各種各樣的

take in 吸收

Ⅱ. Difficult sentence in the text

The Wang Family Courtyard preserves the traditional Chinese architectural style andlayout, providing a glimpse into the past lifestyles and cultural traditions of residents. 王家大院保留了中國傳統的建筑風格和布局,讓人們得以一窺過去居民的生活方式和文化傳統。

【點石成金】本句中,providing a glimpse into the past lifestyles and cultural traditions of residents作狀語,The Wang Family Courtyard和provide之間構成邏輯上的主謂關系。

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