

2014-01-16 18:41沈小寶
文化交流 2014年1期






邱隘咸齏始于何時已難查證,然寧波地區民間栽培、腌制雪菜歷史悠久眾所周知?,F有史料記載雪菜最早見于明末詩人、鄞州人屠本畯(1573-1620)所著的《野菜箋》,書中記載“四明有菜名雪里壅(蕻)……諸菜凍欲死,此菜青青蕻尤美。 ”清人汪瀕在他所著的《廣群芳譜》中寫道:“四明有菜,名雪里蕻。雪深諸菜凍損,此菜獨青?!鼻骞饩w《鄞縣志》中李鄴嗣的《鄮東竹枝詞》中也有“縱然金菜瑯蔬好,不及吾鄉雪里蕻”之句。














This is a large vegetable farm in Qiuga where xuelihong grows.





Yinzhou Pickles Museum

By Shen Xiaobao

October 29, 2013 saw the opening of a very special museum at the Dongwu section of the Yinxian Avenue in Dongxiang, Ningbo. Called Yinzhou Pickles Museum, it celebrates the special role pickled cabbage plays in the culinary tradition of Ningbo and brings the reputation of Qiuga ‘xianji, a signature Ning-bo delicacy, to a new high.

Colloquially called ‘xianji in the Ningbo local dialect, this Ningbo-style treat con-stitutes a very important part in the dietary tradition of Ningbo people, as described in many proverbs such as “After three days without the nourishments from a ‘xianji soup, one feels feeble on the feet”. The ‘xianj made in Qiuga, a small town in Ningbo, is reputed for its radiant color and luster and tender texture, tasting slightly sour and ideal for whetting the appetite. Ningbo ‘xianji can be fried, steamed, roasted, or sautéed; or served cold and dressed with sauce; or used as seasonings and fillings for making succu-lent dumplings. The magic power of ‘xianji also contributes to the reputation of Braised


The modern aseptic workshop shows how vegetable is being pickled.

Croaker Soup with Pickles, one of the most-loved ten Ningbo dishes.

When the people in Qiuga created the del-icacy is unknown, but Ningbo people have long been known for cultivating a special cabbage locally called ‘xuelihong and mak-ing pickles out of its crunchy, cold-resistant leaves and stems. This culinary tradition dates back in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), as recorded in a book by the poet Tu Benjun (1573-1620). Wang Bin, living in the Qing (1644-1911), wrote in his Flowering Plants that “no other vegetables grown in the Sim-ing Mountain area (in todays Ningbo) can survive the severity of winter cold like ‘xue-lihong”.

The obsession of Ningbo people with the


This small set of sculpture demonstrates how xuelihong is pickled in ancient times.

delicacy is also documented in timeless Ro-mance of the Western Chamber by the play-wright Wang Shifu of Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) and in Golden Lotus by Chen Ru of the Ming Dynasty. The poet Lu You of the Southern Song (1127-1279) loved the deli-

cacy so much that he glorified it in a poem.

Historical records show Ningbo ‘xianji was sold in 61 shops in 29 markets all over Ningbo in the 1930s, not including peddlers across Ningbo and dealers beyond Ningbo. The written history of Ningbo also includes the story of a legendary ‘xuelihong tycoon living in a village in ancient Qiuga in the Republican Period of China (1911-1949). Known as the ‘Wanlong boss, the man hired a band of farmers to grow and harvest ‘xue-lihong to meet the demand of the Ningbo ‘xianji market. Legend has it that the secret behind the mans success was the special

quality of the soil in his farm and his special

marinating method that produced extremely tasty pickles. During its heyday, the Qiuga pickles made forays into the markets in the Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia.

Qiuga Pickles won the PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) certificate issued by the China National Bureau of Quality In-spection in April, 2005. In June, 2008, Qiuga ‘xianji was listed in the 2nd Ningbo Intangi-ble Cultural Heritages Directory.

Representing the Ningbo culinary tradition, Qiuga Pickles has also found its way into the menus of more than 30 airlines including the China Eastern Airlines, Air China, China Southern Airlines, and a dozen airports such as the Beijing Capital International Airport, Shanghai Pudong International Airport and Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport. Qiuga Pickles is also served by a growing number of international flights linking China with Paris, Rome and Sydney.

The privately-run museum is the brain-child of Le Haikang, president of Ningbo Yinfa Green Food, a leading business in making and marketing Ningbo-style pickles. Preparation and construction of the museum took three years to complete.

Covering about an area of 35,000 square meters and set in a Qing-style courtyard compound, the museum encompasses two exhibition halls that chart the path of evolu-tion of this ancient culinary art. The 500-plus artifacts and kitchenware models on display, complete with plenty of drawings on the walls, make you feel like time traveling into the lesser-known culinary pride of ancient Ningbo.

The B Hall of the museum serves for more scientific enlightenment purposes, offering visitors a glimpse of the entire processing flow in making Ningbo Pickles in modern times. The fundamental contributor to the unfailing reputation of Qiuga ‘xianji is the time-tested cultivation and elaborate processing artistry, as illustrated beautifully and convincingly in the Yinzhou Pickles Museum.

我在鄞州 我很幸福
小區域 大關注——《鄞州日報》探索多平臺建設的初步嘗試