

2015-03-15 01:00孔令鋒

孫 楠, 李 琪, 于 紅, 孔令鋒

(中國海洋大學水產學院,山東 青島 266003)




孫 楠, 李 琪??, 于 紅, 孔令鋒

(中國海洋大學水產學院,山東 青島 266003)



魁蚶(Scapharcabroughtonii)屬于瓣鰓綱(Lamellibranchia)蚶科(Arcidae),又稱大毛蚶、赤貝、血貝,是一種大型底棲經濟貝類,廣泛分布在中國、日本、韓國及菲律賓海沿岸。其成體個大體肥, 肉質鮮美, 經濟價值很高。近年來,由于需求旺盛, 而自然資源遠不能滿足市場的需要, 因此魁蚶的人工育苗及養殖生產得到快速發展[1-2]。但由于魁蚶具有大部分海洋雙殼貝類高繁殖力的特點,因此在其苗種生產中往往使用有限的親本,而易發生近親交配。較高的近交率會引起養殖群體遺傳多樣性下降,這成為魁蚶養殖生產中一個備受關注的問題。


1 材料與方法

1.1 樣品采集

實驗用魁蚶親貝于2012年6月采自山東省日照海區。隨機選擇30個魁蚶親本(14個雄性和16個雌性)進行催產。受精24 h后,D形幼蟲用25μm篩絹濾出,移入1.5μL的無菌離心管中,輕微離心后倒出海水,取幼蟲和30個親本組織于100%酒精固定。

1.2 DNA提取及微衛星分析

取親貝的閉殼肌組織約100mg,采用傳統的苯酚-氯仿法來提取基因組DNA[11]。幼蟲DNA參照Li等[12]使用Chelex-100樹脂提取。實驗中選取Sb51[13],ScBr04、 ScBr03、 ScBr20、 ScBr14和ScBr09[8]6個特異性強、多態性較高的微衛星位點進行分析。

聚合酶鏈式反應(PCR)的總體積為10μL,內含模板DNA 1.0μL,1μmol/L 的正反引物, 0.2mmol/L dNTPs, 1×PCR buffer, 1.5mmol/L MgCl2, 0.25U TaqDNA聚合酶(寶生物工程有限公司)。親本的PCR擴增程序為:94℃預變性3min,然后進行35個擴增循環,每一循環包括94℃變性30s,退火溫度45s,72℃延伸30s,最后72℃延伸10min,4℃保存備用。幼蟲的PCR擴增程序為:94℃預變性3min,然后進行7個擴增循環,每一循環包括94℃變性1min,退火溫度30s,72℃延伸30s;然后再進行33個循環,每一循環包括94℃變性30s,退火溫度30s,72℃延伸30s,最后72℃延伸5min。擴增產物通過6%變性聚丙烯酰胺凝膠進行電泳分離。在1×TBE電泳緩沖液, 220 V恒壓下,電泳2.5h,電泳完畢后,銀染檢測,利用10 bp DNA ladder(Invitrogen公司)作為marker檢測等位基因位置。為防止每張板膠孔的差異及讀數偏差,每張板中加入若干親本的PCR產物作為對照。

1.3 統計分析

首先,使用軟件CERVUS 3.0模擬估算魁蚶家系鑒定所需要的微衛星位點數及其鑒定效率。具體參數如下:模擬子代數目為10000(循環重復數),候選親本數為30,親本檢測率100%,位點檢測率100%,分型誤差率1%,置信水平95%。然后根據實驗結果,計算真實的鑒定效率。多態信息含量(PIC)及位點的非排除概率(NE-1P, NE-2P,NE-PP)也由CERVUS 3.0計算,NE-1P、NE-2P和NE-PP分別指位點對第一個親本、第二個親本和親本對的非排除概率。根據位點的PIC值,由高到低逐一增加位點數來計算位點的累積鑒定能力。利用MICRO-CHECKER[14]評估6個微衛星位點的無效等位基因情況。親本和子代的遺傳多樣性參數:等位基因數(Na)、期望雜合度(He)和觀測雜合度(Ho)由CERVUS 3.0計算。差異顯著性由SPSS 19.0(美國SPSS公司)進行非參數兩配對樣本Wilcoxon符號秩檢驗[15]。

2 結果

2.1 家系鑒定成功率


表1 6個微衛星位點的綜合信息Table 1 The information of 6 microsatellite loci

注:①Annealing Temperature;②No. of GenBank;③Number of alleles;④Polymorphism information content;⑤Average non-exclusion probability to first parent;⑥Average non-exclusion probability to second parent;⑦Average non-exclusion probability to parent pair;⑧Average


圖1 6個微衛星位點模擬和實際鑒定的累積鑒定成功率

2.2 親本和子代遺傳多樣性比較



表2 魁蚶親本和子代遺傳多樣性的比較

注:①Sample size;②Alleles range;③No. of alleles;④Expected heterozygosity;⑤Observed heterozygosity

3 討論

3.1 家系分析


表3 各親本的繁殖成功率Table 3 Percentage of parental contribution to reproduction

Note:①All females;②All males.

Note:①No. of males participating in clutches;②No. of clutches (% of total);③Paternity proportion of most successful male;④Paternity proportion of second-most successful male;⑤Paternity proportion of third-most successful male;⑥Paternity proportion of fourth-most successful male;⑦Paternity proportion of the least successful male;⑧Genetically effective paternity


3.2 遺傳多樣性和親本貢獻率


表5 交配組母權比例(平均值±標準差)Table 5 Maternity proportions for clutches (Mean ± SD)

Note:①No. of females participating in clutches;②No. of clutches (% of total);③Maternity proportion of most successful female;④Maternity proportion of second-most successful female;⑤Maternity proportion of third-most successful female;⑥Maternity proportion of fourth-most successful female;⑦Maternity proportion of the least successful female;⑧Genetically effective maternity


4 結語


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責任編輯 朱寶象

Parentage Determination ofScapharcabroughtoniiBased on Microsatellite Analysis

SUN Nan, LI Qi, YU Hong, KONG Ling-Feng

(College of Fisheries, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China)

In this study, six highly polymorphic microsatellite markers (meanHe= 0.78 andPIC=0.75) were utilized to determine the pedigree and the genetic variability between brood stock and offspring in a mass spawning event of ark shell,Scapharcabroughtonii. Parentage identification was performed on a total of 330 individuals, including 300 offspring and 30 candidate parents. The results showed that the assignment rate was in accordance with simulation. Using 6 microsatellites reached a successful rate of over 99%. The allelic diversity of offspring populations and brood stock was similar wirth each other, but the expected heterozygosity of offspring was less than that of parents significantly (P<0.05). The observed heterozygosity of offspring was a little lower than that of parents, but not significant. All the 30 parents participated in the reproduction. And the existence of multiple paternity and maternity was detected in clutches and dams in these 30 parents. Microsatellite could be effective markers in parentage determination, meanwhile the gentic diversity of hatchery population ofScapharcabroughtoniineed to be monitored. The information obtained in this study was useful for designing suitable management guidelines of cultured stocks in future, and provided a scientific basement for tracing origins in the releasing and enhancement ofScapharcabroughtoniiusing microsatellite as molecular markers.

Scapharcabroughtonii; microsatellites; parentage analysis




孫 楠(1990-),女, 碩士生, 從事水產動物遺傳育種學研究。 E-mail: sun-shihan@163.com

?? 通訊作者:E-mail: qili66@ouc.edu.cn





花斑無須鯰(Ageneiosus marmoratus)全基因組微衛星分布特征研究