

2015-12-10 14:33李學民


摘 要:成語是人類在長期的語言實踐中保存下來的精華部分,其獨特的含義和句法功能都受到語言學習者的青睞,探究它們的這些特色有助于提高語言運用的準確性和生動性。


中圖分類號:H315.9 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1673-2596(2015)11-0174-02

成語是人們經過長期的語言和社會實踐,經過千錘百煉,去粗取精所形成的一種習用的、簡潔精辟的定型式詞組或短語,它廣泛應用于日常生活、新聞報道和文學作品中。如:To kick the bucket, hide and hair, red herring, pain in the neck,in the same boat, cats and dogs, to come down in the world, in vain, round(around)the corner, sweet tooth.成語幾經歷史演變和發展,有些已經成為日常生活中形象鮮明的俚俗、意味深長的雋語、妙趣橫生的戲謔、嚴肅典雅的文學語言。成語所表現出來的語言魅力和旺盛的生命力,不是一般短語所能夠取代的。其構詞、詞源以及句法功能特征均有別于其它短語。工欲善其事,必先利其器,為化解掌握成語的難度,本文在下面幾個方面對其進行了深入探討。


成語,也稱習語是作為一個單位來使用,語義和語法都受到限制的短語或句子。從句法上看,里面的詞不允許任意改動,既通常所說的固定結構,這種固定結構主要體現在(1)其中的詞的位置不允許變動,以cats and dogs為例,句中its raining cats and dogs (下著傾盆大雨),不能改成its raining dogs and cats. (2)其中的詞的形式不允許變動,也就是說上面的句子不能改為its raining a cat and a dog,或its raining cat and dog. 又如Diamond cut diamond, crook cut crook(棋逢對手)中的謂語動詞cut不用單數第三人稱形式。因為古英語用虛擬語氣較多,在諺語中有時該用第三人稱形式,卻不加s,而在Like cures like(同類相克;以毒攻毒)中cures也不能改為cure。

從語義上看,成語的意思并非是其中單個詞意義的總和,例如:drop the pilot(不聽忠告;拋棄良師益友),wear ones heart on ones sleeve(心直;過于直率)。由此不難看出,很多成語詞義已經脫離原詞的基本意思,很難通過上下文或里面的中心詞猜出意思。當然也有部分成語,其意義雖然不是由構成該成語的各個詞的意義合成的,但卻是由整個詞語的意思引申出來的,起到生動、形象的作用,帶有隱喻或明喻的色彩。梳理成語的來源或許能幫助我們理解和掌握它們的含義。



(一)源于日常生活(to be dressed up to the nines, humble pie,etc.)

Be dressed up to the nines,意為穿得很講究,穿得整整齊齊,穿上嶄新的衣服

The family were dressed up to the nines for the wedding.

Humble pie表示沒辦法;只好忍氣吞聲 He has to eat humble pie to work under his boss.

(二)源于其它活動(alive and kicking, down and out,etc.)

Alive and kicking源于賣魚。意為:健康 At 70 Old Mac is still alive and kicking.

Down and out源于拳擊運動。意為:精疲力竭,無能為力 Mr. Smith was down and out in the first round.

(三)源于自然界物質(cabbages and kings, touch of the sun,etc.)

Cabbages and kings 指各種話題;廣泛的題目 They were interested in many a thing and talked of cabbages and kings

Touch of the sun指有點病痛;輕微中暑 Since he came from India, the captain has been suffering a touch of the sun.

(四)源于航海(at sea, in the wind,etc.)

At sea是不知所措,迷惑不解的意思 He is all at sea as to what to do next.

In the wind常表示猶豫不決;成敗未定 He hung in the wind and missed the good opportunity.

(五)源于軍事(rank and file, to cross swords with someone,etc.)

Rank and file指普通士兵;普通成員;一般群眾 The rank and file of modern nations is largely influenced by means of the press.

To cross(measure) swords with someone 意指:比劍交鋒;較量;打架 Few men ventured to cross swords with him.

(六)源于農業(to sow the seed(s)of, to lead someone up the garden path,etc.)

To sow the seed(s) of指挑撥離間;散播不和 Clearly there is no place for the opponents to sow the seeds of discontents and trouble.

To lead someone up(down)the garden path指把某人引入歧途;誘騙某人 The guide has led us up the garden path.

(七)源于商業(to talk shop, the penny drops, etc.)

To talk shop指談論本行的事情;三句不離本行 Whenever I have my boss to dinner, he always talks shop.

The penny drops指終于明白了(某人說話的意思);恍然大悟 His illustration made the penny drop.

(八)源于學習生活(to read between the lines, to speak by the book, etc.)

To read between the lines 指看或聽出言外之意 He doesnt say so, but reading between the lines, I dont think he likes the idea.

To speak by the book指說話確切;說話有依據 With regard to his experience, we should believe him. He always speaks by the book.

(九)源于圣經(to be all things to all men, pride goes before a fall, etc.)

All things to all men意思是取悅所有的人 Being a man of the world, he is all things to all men.

Pride goes (comes)before a fall指驕者必敗 The accident occurred; as they say that pride comes before a fall.

(十)源于莎士比亞或其他文學名著 (fools paradise ,to give the Devil(devil) his due, etc.)

Fools paradise指幻想的世界 If ye should lead her into a fools paradise…it were a very gross kind of behavior…(from W.Shakespeare,“Romeo and Juliet”,act II,sc.4).

To give the devil his due指平心而論;說句公道話 I dont have much respect for my neighbor, but to give the devil his due he did help us much.




以動詞+小品詞結構為例:make out(理解,明白),結構為:動詞+副詞, We could not make out what he wrote. 另外動詞加小品詞的其他結構還有動詞+介詞:get at someone (批評某人),動詞+副詞+介詞:fall back on (求助于,求其次)。


the pros and cons(贊成者和反對者),a snake in the grass(潛在的危險),mans estate(壯年),fond dream(黃粱美夢),brain trust(智囊團)。


High and dry(孤立無援的),beyond the pale(丟臉的;失寵),wet behind the ears(缺乏經驗的),as cool as cucumber(非常冷靜;泰然自若的).


heart and soul(全心全意地),in a breeze(輕而易舉地),between the devil and the deep blue sea(進退維谷)。

英語成語就其應用而言,動詞性成語多數按普通動詞使用和處理;名詞性成語多數按名詞使用和處理,但有些名詞性成語常起副詞作用,如hide and hair(完全地;徹底地)。另外,形容性習語也常起副詞作用,作狀語用,如:high and dry(孤立無援地)。







(責任編輯 王文江)
