

2023-10-15 19:44馮斌
廣西教育·A版 2023年8期


【關鍵詞】初中英語 課時教學目標 作業設計

知識目標 能力目標

【中圖分類號】G63 【文獻標識碼】A





以人教版英語八年級下冊Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section A (1a-2c)一課為例。某教師將教學目標分為能力目標和情感目標。(1)能力目標為“Lead the students to learn to make a polite request and ask for permissions.”。(2)情感目標為“Help the students to understand that it’s always right to be polite.”。

上述能力目標和情感目標只是體現教師的教學行為,忽視了學生的學習結果,屬于教學目標主體錯位問題。教師在設定課堂教學目標時常常會使用諸如此類的表述:幫助學生(help the students)、激發學生(inspire the students)、鼓勵學生(encourage the students)、引導學生(lead the students)、讓學生(let the students)、使學生(make the students)等。這樣的教學目標的設計重點關注的是課堂教學中教師“如何教”,而不是學生“如何學”。目標主體錯位這個問題的根源在于,教師沒有從根本上轉變傳統教學理念,其教學理念仍然停留在“以教師為主體”“以教師為中心”的層面。


以人教版英語八年級下冊Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. Section A (3a-3c)一課為例。某教師將教學目標中的知識目標確定為如下三點。(1)掌握單詞和短語junior,clear,bedroom,own,railway,part,certain,honest,while,truthful,hometown;junior high school,clear out,no longer,part with,as for,to be honest等。(2)掌握句型“We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use.”“My daughter was more understanding,although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.”“... but,to be honest,I have not played for a while now.”等。(3)掌握現在完成時這一語法知識。

教學目標是課程目標的具體化,是課程目標與具體教學內容的結合,是指導和評價教學的基本依據,也是教師教學和學生學習的準則。上述教學目標只是再現了本課時的詞匯、句型、語法等知識點,如只是列舉了需掌握junior、clear等單詞,clear out、no longer等短語、三個句型及語法“現在完成時”。這樣的教學目標設計把目標與內容混淆,至于教師怎么教、學生如何學,通過何種方式檢測學生知識掌握的程度,目標陳述中都沒有任何說明。教師用這樣的教學目標指導課堂教學,必將導致教學活動無的放矢。


以人教版英語八年級下冊Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section A (1a-2d)一課為例。某教師在設計教學目標時,明確如下知識目標和情感目標。(1)知識目標為“To enable the students to master the following words and phrases:remind,bit,silly,instead of.”。(2)情感目標為“Learn from Yu Gong.Teach the students that anything is possible if we try to make it happen.”。

以上知識目標“To enable the students to master...”和情感目標“Teach the students...”的動作均指向不明確,且詞義過于籠統,讓人很難判斷和觀測“master”和“teach”的程度,同時它們還存在教學目標主體錯位問題。上述知識目標對于學生掌握課文中的生詞、短語應該達到什么程度,是理解、運用,抑或僅僅是識記,都沒有說清楚;情感目標只是表述了“teach”什么內容,怎樣才能讓學生感知、通過何種方式“教會”學生理解人生感悟等都沒有說明和闡述。故教師很難在教學中達成教學目標,這就給評價帶來了不便。


以人教版英語八年級下冊Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?Section A (3a-3c)為例。某教師將教學目標分為能力目標和情感目標。(1)能力目標為“The students can improve their speaking ability in this class.”。(2)情感目標為“Develop students’ good spirit. We should challenge ourselves in the face of difficulties and never give up trying to achieve our dreams.”。

該教師所設計的教學目標中能力目標和情感目標的表述都過于空洞、寬泛,并未與具體的教學內容相結合,也沒有闡述學生將要通過什么樣的方法來實現目標,只表述了學生需要做什么或者提高什么能力,同時情感目標中還存在主體錯位的問題。能力目標中的“improve their speaking ability”是一個長期過程,在一節課內往往很難實現。情感目標“Develop students’ good spirit”對于什么是“good spirit”,如何發展“good spirit”,“good spirit”發展到什么程度都沒有說清楚。這樣的教學目標缺乏可操作性,且難以在一節課內完成,也難以對教學和教學評價產生引導作用,更無法定位和檢測與之對應的作業設計。


以人教版英語八年級下冊Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Section A (3a-3c)為例。某教師把教學目標中的能力目標設計為“(1)Students will be able to improve their spoken English level by expressing the difference between the simple past tense and the past continuous tense.(2)Students can get the main idea of the text by careful reading and write an article using 120 words.”。

這樣的能力目標設計缺乏層次性,而且第二個目標未與本課時的教學內容相聯系?!癷mprove their spoken English level”和“get the main idea of the text” “write an article”這三個目標不是每個學生在這一節課里都能做到的。從學習者的角度來看,學生接受能力有快有慢,如果教學目標沒有基于學生的知識水平,沒有對學習內容和學習目標做出分層要求,勢必會造成教無所依、學無所從、學后無測的局面。





指向英語核心素養的教學應促進“人”的發展。這里的“人”在具體的英語課堂教學中,指的是教學目標的主體,即學生。英語課堂教學活動旨在促使學生發展語言能力、思維品質、學習能力等,教師僅僅是課堂教學的引導者、促進者。要讓學生成為課堂學習的主體,從語法角度看,這一要求很容易做到,只要敘寫學習目標時,主語是學生即可,較難的是教師觀念的改變,而這恰是該要求的關鍵所在。例如,針對前文提到的人教版英語八年級下冊Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section A? (1a-2c)一課的教學目標設計,教師可這樣對教學目標的主體進行準確定位。(1)By the end of the lesson,with the teacher’s help,the students will be able to know the ways how to make a polite request and ask for permissions politely,and when to choose“Could you please...,Could I...”in a real situation by role playing.(2)By the end of the lesson,the students will be able to understand that it’s always right to be polite and always use“Could you please...,Could I...”to make a polite request and ask for permissions by communicating in pairs in doing something.



教師可采用易于觀察和測量的“結果性目標”來表述,即明確告訴學生學習的結果是什么。假如教師預設的語言知識目標是“了解(對信息的再認和回憶)”,可以使用“背誦、回憶、下定義、復述、排列、描述、選出、標識、辨認(recite,recall,define,retell,list,describe,choose,label,identify)”等動詞。例如,教師可針對前文提及的人教版英語八年級下冊Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. Section A (3a-3c)一課的知識目標,將知識目標(1)修改為“By the end of the lesson,most students can recite the words junior,clear,bedroom,own,railway,part,certain,honest,while,truthful,hometown,junior high school and phrases clear out,no longer,part with,as for,to be honest with the help of Multi-media and can use them to retell the story in the text.”;把人教版英語八年級下冊Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section A (1a-2d)一課的知識目標修改為“By the end of the lesson,the majority of the students will be able to make sentences and communicate with others using the key words in a real situation by reciting the following new words and phrases ‘remind,bit,silly,instead of’ and conversations in the text.”。這樣的行為目標指向明確,易于觀察和測量,同時又解決了原教學目標主體錯位的問題。

如果預設的目標是“理解(用自己的語言理解信息,與已有知識建立聯系)”,可使用“解釋、舉例說明、闡明、比較、分類、概述、判斷、區別、提供、猜測、預測(explain,exemplify,illustrate,compare,classify,summarize,distinguish,provide,guess,predict)”等行為動詞。例如,教師可將上述人教版英語八年級下冊Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. Section A (3a-3c)一課的知識目標(2)(3)修改為“(2)After this class,the majority of the students will be able to distinguish the tenses,grammer structures and important phrases of.①We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use.②My daughter was more understanding,although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.③... but,to be honest,I have not played for a while now and can provide similar sentences each to make up a short conversation.(3)By the end of the lesson,the majority of the students can easily compare the differences between the present perfect tense and the past tense and can summarize that “since...,for...,already,yet”are often used in the present perfect tense.”;可將人教版英語八年級下冊Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section A (1a-2d)一課的情感目標修改為“By the end of the lesson,the students will be able to explain the meaning of good spirit clearly that we should challenge ourselves in the face of difficulties and never give up trying to achieve our dreams by summarizing what Yu Gong did,and what we get from the story.”。這樣修改就相對具體清晰,容易檢測,可在一節課內完成,同時又解決了原教學目標主體錯位的問題。



例如,教師可將人教版英語八年級下冊Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?Section A (3a-3c)的能力目標修改為“By the end of the lesson,the most students can retell the story,using 5-8 words and expressions learned in the text. Also,75% of the students will able to describe the differences between the comparative and the superlative clearly in English and act out the story by having an interview.”。這樣修改,教學目標相對而言更具有層次性。





上述四要素表述模式為教師提供了規范的目標陳述方式,即“主體+行為+條件+標準”?;诖?,教師可將上述人教版英語八年級下冊Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Section A (3a-3c)的能力目標(1)修改為“By the end of the lesson(Degree),the majority(Degree) of the students(Audience) will be able to express(Behavior) the differences between the simple past tense and the past continuous tense properly(Degree) in English(Condition) by cooperating with each others in small groups(Condition).”。這樣設計,教學目標變得具體、可實現,并且實施的效果容易檢測,同時又解決原教學目標缺乏層次性的問題。



體現學科核心素養培養目標的“三維”敘寫的基本模式為:“通過……(過程與方法),說出/理解/簡述……(知識與技能),編制/制作/形成……(關鍵能力與價值觀念)”。因此,教師可將人教版英語八年級下冊Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Section A (3a-3c)的能力目標(2)修改為“By the end of the lesson,the majority of the students will be able to get the main idea,specific information by focusing on the title and the picture,by skimming,scanning,and 80% of the students can use the structures of the text to write an article about 120 words.”。這樣修改,既體現了學科核心素養培養目標,又解決了原教學目標設定缺乏層次性的問題。其中:“知識與技能”是“get the main idea and specific information”;“過程與方法”是“by focusing on the title and the picture,by skimming,scanning”;學科核心素養的學習能力目標是“80% of the students can use the structures of the text to write an article about 120 words.”。




[1]樊波,胡珂.基于新課標理念,聚焦單元視角下綜合性與延展性作業的設計探究:以外研版小學《英語》(一年級起點)五年級下冊Module 7為例[J].英語學習,2022(8):17-24.







作者簡介:馮斌(1968— ),廣西天峨人,本科,高級教師,研究方向為中小學英語教學。

(責編 黎雪娟)
